If you set MaxZoom and try to zoom in it will scroll somewhere. Obviously if you try to zoom in when it is already a maximum zoom, nothing should change. It is the same thing with MinZoom.
In the example below MaxZoomX="1.4" MaxZoomY="1.4" MinZoomX="0.8" MinZoomY="0.8":
My suggestion is to replace the following code in file Avalonia.Controls.PanAndZoom.ZoomBorder at line 427
public void ZoomTo(double ratio, double x, double y, bool skipTransitions = false)
if (_updating)
_updating = true;
with this code
public void ZoomTo(double ratio, double x, double y, bool skipTransitions = false)
if (_updating)
if (EnableConstrains)
if (ZoomX >= MaxZoomX || ZoomY >= MaxZoomY)
if (ratio > 1)
if (ZoomX <= MinZoomX || ZoomY <= MinZoomY)
if (ratio < 1)
_updating = true;
I also suggest to add e.KeyModifiers. In that case you zoom only if, for example, control is pressed. I suggest this because when you wheel without control pressed you not only zoom but scroll also. If you separate this things and add e.Handled = true, you can scroll and zoom separately on wheel. A also recommend to make fields ILogicalScrollable.ScrollSize and ILogicalScrollable.PageScrollSize editable, so you can customize the scrolling behavior.
I suggest to to replace the following code in file Avalonia.Controls.PanAndZoom.ZoomBorder at line 186
private void Wheel(PointerWheelEventArgs e)
if (_element == null || _captured)
var point = e.GetPosition(_element);
ZoomDeltaTo(e.Delta.Y, point.X, point.Y);
with this code
private void Wheel(PointerWheelEventArgs e)
if (_element == null || _captured)
if (e.KeyModifiers != KeyModifiers.Control && e.KeyModifiers != KeyModifiers.Meta)
var point = e.GetPosition(_element);
ZoomDeltaTo(e.Delta.Y, point.X, point.Y);
e.Handled = true;
If you set MaxZoom and try to zoom in it will scroll somewhere. Obviously if you try to zoom in when it is already a maximum zoom, nothing should change. It is the same thing with MinZoom.
In the example below MaxZoomX="1.4" MaxZoomY="1.4" MinZoomX="0.8" MinZoomY="0.8":
My suggestion is to replace the following code in file Avalonia.Controls.PanAndZoom.ZoomBorder at line 427
with this code
I also suggest to add e.KeyModifiers. In that case you zoom only if, for example, control is pressed. I suggest this because when you wheel without control pressed you not only zoom but scroll also. If you separate this things and add e.Handled = true, you can scroll and zoom separately on wheel. A also recommend to make fields ILogicalScrollable.ScrollSize and ILogicalScrollable.PageScrollSize editable, so you can customize the scrolling behavior.
I suggest to to replace the following code in file Avalonia.Controls.PanAndZoom.ZoomBorder at line 186
with this code