wifidog / wifidog-auth

Repository for the PHP wifidog captive portal auth server
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config.php is not being saved correctly #16

Open diegohdk opened 8 years ago

diegohdk commented 8 years ago

When the config.php is saved after the Database Access Configuration step from the install.php, its content get messed up.

It looks like this:

<?php;;/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */;;// +-------------------------------------------------------------------+;// | WiFiDog Authentication Server                                     |;// | =============================                                     |;// |                                                                   |;// | The WiFiDog Authentication Server is part of the WiFiDog captive  |;// | portal suite.                                                     |;// +-------------------------------------------------------------------+;// | PHP version 5 required.                                           |;// +-------------------------------------------------------------------+;// | Homepage:     http://www.wifidog.org/                             |;// | Source Forge: http://sourceforge.net/projects/wifidog/            |;// +-------------------------------------------------------------------+;// | This program is free software;you can redistribute it and/or     |;// | modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as    |;// | published by the Free Software Foundation;either version 2 of    |;// | the License, or (at your option) any later version.               |;// |                                                                   |;// | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,   |;// | but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;without even the implied warranty of    |;// | MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the     |;// | GNU General Public License for more details.                      |;// |                                                                   |;// | You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License |;// | along with this program;if not, contact:                         |;// |                                                                   |;// | Free Software Foundation           Voice:  +1-617-542-5942        |;// | 59 Temple Place - Suite 330        Fax:    +1-617-542-2652        |;// | Boston, MA  02111-1307,  USA       gnu@gnu.org                    |;// |                                                                   |;// +-------------------------------------------------------------------+;;/**;* Configuration file of WiFiDog Authentication Server;*;* The configure the WiFiDOG auth server you can either use this configuration;* file or make a local copy of it named local.config.php.;*;* @package    WiFiDogAuthServer;* @author     Benoit Grégoire <benoitg@coeus.ca>;* @author     Max Horváth <max.horvath@freenet.de>;* @copyright  2004-2006 Benoit Grégoire, Technologies Coeus inc.;* @copyright  2005-2006 Max Horváth, Horvath Web Consulting;* @version    Subversion $Id$;* @link       http://www.wifidog.org/;*/;;/**;* In case this is the local.config.php you should remove the next lines.;*/;;if (file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . "/local.config.php")) {;// Use a local copy of the configuration if found instead of the distro's.;require dirname(__FILE__) . "/local.config.php";;} else {;;/**;* In case this is the local.config.php stop removing the lines.;*/;;/********************************************************************\;* DATABASE CONFIGURATION                                           *;\********************************************************************/;;/**;* Configuration values needed to access the database.;* ===================================================;*/;;// Host of the database server.;define('CONF_DATABASE_HOST', 'localhost');
;;;;;;;// Port of the database server.;define('CONF_DATABASE_PORT', '5432');
;;;;;;;// Username for database access.;define('CONF_DATABASE_USER', 'postgres');
;;;;;;;// Password for database access.;define('CONF_DATABASE_PASSWORD', 'dF*/22Ke$%');
;;;;;;;// Name of database used by WiFiDOG auth server.;define('CONF_DATABASE_NAME', 'wifidog');
;;;;;;;/**;* Database cleanup;* ================;*;* Normally,  the database cleanup routines will be called everytime a portal;* page is displayed. If you set this to true, you must set a cron job on the;* server which will execute the script "cron/cleanup.php".;*/;define('CONF_USE_CRON_FOR_DB_CLEANUP', false);;;/**;* SQL queries profiling.  This will output all SQL queries performed to;* generate the page, as well as the relative time used by each.;*/;;define('LOG_SQL_QUERIES', false);;;/**;* Log content display.  If set to true, every piece of content displayed to a user will;* be logged in a log table.;*/;;define('LOG_CONTENT_DISPLAY', false);;;/********************************************************************\;* WEBSERVER CONFIGURATION                                          *;\********************************************************************/;;/**;* Caching;* =======;*;* Experimental:  If you installed PEAR::Cache_Lite and set this value to true, additional caching;* will be enabled.;*;* If you haven't installed PEAR::Cache_Lite, caching won't be enabled at all.;*/;define('USE_CACHE_LITE', false);;;/**;* Timezone;* ========;*;* Since PHP 5.1.0 date functions have been rewritten and require to set;* a valid timezone.  This is ONLY used on PHP >=5.1;*;* You'll find a list of valid identifiers at:;* http://www.php.net/manual/en/timezones.php;*/;define('DATE_TIMEZONE', 'Canada/Eastern');;;/********************************************************************\;* WIFIDOG BASIC CONFIGURATION                                      *;\********************************************************************/;;/**;* Custom signup system;* ====================;*;* If you wanto to use a custom signup system instead of the built in signup;* page uncomment the next line and enter the URL to the system.;*/;//define("CUSTOM_SIGNUP_URL","https://www.bcwireless.net/hotspot/signup.php");;;/**;* Default language;* ================;*;* Define the default language of the WiFiDOG auth server.  The language code;* (the part before the _) must be part of the array above (the country;* subcode may differ, and should be set to your country subcode);*/;define('DEFAULT_LANG', 'fr_CA');;;/********************************************************************\;* WIFIDOG FEATURES CONFIGURATION                                   *;\********************************************************************/;;/**;* Google Maps support;* ===================;*;* Enable Google Maps mapping using "hotspots_map.php".;*/;define('GMAPS_HOTSPOTS_MAP_ENABLED', true);;;/********************************************************************\;* ADVANCED CONFIGURATION                                           *;*                                                                  *;* You should normally not have to edit anything below this!        *;\********************************************************************/;;/**;* Path of WiFiDOG auth server installation;* ========================================;*;* SYSTEM_PATH must be set to the url path needed to reach the wifidog;* directory.;*;* Normally '/' or '/wifidog/', depending on where configure your;* document root.;*;* Gateway configuration must match this as well.;*;* CONFIGURATION FLAG REQUIRED IF PATH DETECTION FAILS, ONLY!;*/;// define('SYSTEM_PATH', '/');;;/**;* WiFiDOG configuration;* =====================;*;* Name and version of the WiFiDOG auth server.;*/;define('WIFIDOG_NAME', 'WiFiDog Authentication server');;define('WIFIDOG_VERSION', '(Development)');;;/**;* WiFiDOG internals configuration;* ===============================;*;* Internal configuration values for WiFiDog - don't touch!;*/;;// Filenames and directories;define('NETWORK_THEME_PACKS_DIR', 'media/network_theme_packs/');;define('STYLESHEET_NAME', 'stylesheet.css');;define('PRINT_STYLESHEET_NAME', 'printer.css');;define('LOGIN_PAGE_NAME', 'login.html');;define('HOTSPOT_STATUS_PAGE', 'hotspot_status.php');;define('NODE_PUBLIC_STATS_DIR', "public_stats/");;;// Source URL for the hotspot status page;define('GMAPS_XML_SOURCE_URL', 'hotspot_status.php?format=XML');;;//Enable logging by the EventLogging class;define('EVENT_LOGGING',false);;// Declare warning/error/notice logging to a file.;// Set this to false to disable logging to a file.;// By default, logging is enabled, to file tmp/wifidog.log.;// define('WIFIDOG_LOGFILE', 'tmp/wifidog.log');;;/**;* Email configuration;* ===============================;*;* Internal configuration values for WiFiDog - don't touch!;*/;;define('EMAIL_MAILER', 'mail');// "mail", "sendmail", or "smtp";;// Valid only for SMTP;define('EMAIL_HOST', '');;define('EMAIL_AUTH', false);;;// Valid if EMAIL_AUTH is true;define('EMAIL_USERNAME', '');;define('EMAIL_PASSWORD', '');;;/**;* In case this is the local.config.php you should remove the next lines.;*/;;};;/**;* In case this is the local.config.php stop removing the lines.;*/;;/*;* Local variables:;* tab-width: 4;* c-basic-offset: 4;* c-hanging-comment-ender-p: nil;* End:;*/;;?>;;;;;;

In reality I only got this step to work after a change on the install.php itself.

iomatch commented 5 years ago

Bug confirmed existing in current pull of Wifidog with: Linux 4.14.79-v7+ (armv7l GNU/Linux, Raspbian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch)) PHP 7.0.33-0+deb9u1 (cli) (built: Dec 7 2018 11:36:49) ( NTS ) with Zend OPcache v7.0.33-0+deb9u1