wiggins-lab / SuperSegger

A completely automated MATLAB-based trainable image cell segmentation, fluorescence quantification and analysis suite, particularly well suited for high-throughput time lapse fluorescence microscopy of in vivo bacterial cells.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Error using MultiAssignmentSparse #38

Open vrrenske opened 2 years ago

vrrenske commented 2 years ago

Hello! I have used SuperSegger quite a lot in the past, it's been super helpful, thanks a lot! Today I tried to run it after quite a while of not using it; but after a while during TrackOptiLinkCell , I get the error message below. Is there something I could do to fix it? I'm running a >200 frame timelapse of a mother machine experiment; using fluorescence segmentation, am on Windows (matlab 2016a). thanks a lot, cheers, Renske

Error using multiAssignmentSparse/exchangeAssignment (line 499)
Subscript indices must either be real positive integers or logicals.

Error in multiAssignmentSparse (line 346)
        [assignments,revAssign] = exchangeAssignment (assignments,revAssign, totCost, indexF, indexC);

Error in trackOptiLinkCellMulti (line 149)
    = assignmentFun (data_c, data_r,CONST,0,0);

Error in trackOpti (line 93)
    trackOptiLinkCellMulti(dirname_seg, delete_old_err_files, CONST, header);

Error in BatchSuperSeggerOpti>intProcessXY (line 348)
    trackOpti(dirname_xy,skip,CONST, header, startEnd);

Error in BatchSuperSeggerOpti (line 213)
    parfor(j = 1:num_xy,workers)

Error in superSeggerGui>segment_images_Callback (line 213)
BatchSuperSeggerOpti(dirname, skip, clean_flag, CONST, startEnd);

Error in gui_mainfcn (line 95)

Error in superSeggerGui (line 38)
    gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});

Error in
Error while evaluating UIControl Callback