wiheto / netplotbrain

A package to create simple 3D network visualizations on a brain.
Apache License 2.0
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Fix case where legend is placed over two subplots #53

Closed SyamGadde closed 2 years ago

SyamGadde commented 2 years ago

This addresses #41 (at least in the cases where I trigger a similar error).

wiheto commented 2 years ago


Thanks a lot for this!

Seems to work from my testing and no errors.

Before merging, could you perhaps write a quick comment above regarding your logic? (just so people seeing the slice function in the future understand why it is there). As its not the easiest line of code to parse.

SyamGadde commented 2 years ago

Sure thing, added a comment.

wiheto commented 2 years ago

Thanks. lgtm

wiheto commented 2 years ago

Hi again,

Thanks for contributing to NetPlotBrain.

Feel free to add your name, orcid, and affiliation to the contributor list in .zenodo.json if you want to be listed as a contributor to NetPlotBrain in the Zenodo DOI.