wiheto / netplotbrain

A package to create simple 3D network visualizations on a brain.
Apache License 2.0
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ENH: Check templateflow compatibility #6

Closed wiheto closed 2 years ago

wiheto commented 3 years ago

Check template compatibility with all atlases. If not, make json for special settings for each

Note: heavily edited comment

oesteban commented 3 years ago

What does checking one of the templates above require?

wiheto commented 3 years ago

I was just going through each one to make sure a single image was selected for each template, making sure a variable is selected and that none of the brain is cut off.

Most will work straight away, I just havn't had time to check all of them yet.

wiheto commented 3 years ago

And the main reason was I got stuck on the multiple cohorts for the infant templates (e.g. MNIInfant). Do you know if there is one default template that is always used, or is the cohort always specified?