wikichua / simplecontrolpanel

Simple Control Panel (Admin Panel) for Laravel. (STILL Under Development)
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Duplicate admin routes #23

Closed asimshazad closed 4 years ago

asimshazad commented 4 years ago

Inside web.php admin routes keep adding thought it does not create any issue but better to fix it.

wikichua commented 4 years ago

did u publishing the 2nd times?

wikichua commented 4 years ago

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=lap.admin.route --force // this will be republish the routes.php into admin directory also append the include_once(resource_path('../routes/admin/routes.php')); however i would still like to replicate how u successfully got this. as i tried multiple even force publish not getting this

wikichua commented 4 years ago


wikichua commented 4 years ago

let me know if this issue can close

asimshazad commented 4 years ago

Ok, I will check it again.