An import will import maps and set their status to "unloaded" - when a not logged in user views it, the preview template is shown and theres an error there. Logged in users will trigger the request progress and load up the map
jjjI, [2016-03-17T11:47:39.527382 #18444] INFO -- : Started GET "/maps/1198" for at 2016-03-17 11:47:39 +0000
I, [2016-03-17T11:47:39.541369 #18444] INFO -- : Processing by MapsController#show as HTML
I, [2016-03-17T11:47:39.541569 #18444] INFO -- : Parameters: {"id"=>"1198"}
I, [2016-03-17T11:47:39.611246 #18444] INFO -- : Rendered maps/preview.html.erb within layouts/mapdetail (47.8ms)
I, [2016-03-17T11:47:39.614509 #18444] INFO -- : Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 73ms (ActiveRecord: 0.6ms)
F, [2016-03-17T11:47:39.618241 #18444] FATAL -- :
ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `maps' for #<#<Class:0x0000000556a428>:0x0000000474c490>):
5: A low resolution preview of the map is shown below. <br />
6: </p>
7: <%
8: extname = File.extname self.maps.first.image_url
9: if [".tiff", ".tif"].include? extname.downcase
10: preview_url = @map.image_url.gsub('commons/', 'commons/thumb/') + '/lossless-page1-600px-' + File.basename(@map.image_url).gsub('File:', '') + '.png'
11: else
app/views/maps/preview.html.erb:8:in `_app_views_maps_preview_html_erb___2411317571657189549_70193465821540'
When logged out, I think, and unloaded. So the map is unloaded, but the user is not logged in so they wont see the loading process
An import will import maps and set their status to "unloaded" - when a not logged in user views it, the preview template is shown and theres an error there. Logged in users will trigger the request progress and load up the map
When logged out, I think, and unloaded. So the map is unloaded, but the user is not logged in so they wont see the loading process