wikipathways / cytoscape-wikipathways-app

WikiPathways app for Cytoscape to open and access pathways from WikiPathways
Apache License 2.0
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Phosphorylations and other states #46

Closed AlexanderPico closed 6 years ago

AlexanderPico commented 6 years ago

The from objects should be parsed as attributes in Cytoscape. For example:

  <State GraphRef="eecbd" TextLabel="P" GraphId="f06ea">
    <Comment>parent=G8JLH9; position=Y705; ptm=p; direction=u</Comment>
    <Graphics RelX="1.0" RelY="1.0" Width="15.0" Height="15.0" ShapeType="Oval"/>
    <Xref Database="" ID=""/>

Values should go into Cytoscape columns with headers of "parent", "position", "ptm", and "direction"

Use WP4018 for testing.

AdamStuart commented 6 years ago

fixed, now comments come across as attributes of state, not parent