wikipathways / cytoscape-wikipathways-app

WikiPathways app for Cytoscape to open and access pathways from WikiPathways
Apache License 2.0
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Pathway fails to load #49

Closed AlexanderPico closed 6 years ago

AlexanderPico commented 6 years ago

WP1591 has many shapes. Even it we can't reproduce the image completely, we do need to be able to open to the pathway. See error thrown...

screen shot 2017-09-12 at 12 13 04 pm

AlexanderPico commented 6 years ago

And WP2848 also fails to load. It's another pathway with a ton of shapes, but a different error... screen shot 2017-09-12 at 12 20 27 pm

AdamStuart commented 6 years ago

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Invalid angle: NaN. Cuased by cos(theta) = NaN at org.cytoscape.ding.impl.HandleImpl.convertToRatio( at org.cytoscape.ding.impl.HandleImpl.defineHandle( at org.cytoscape.ding.impl.HandleImpl.( at org.cytoscape.ding.impl.HandleFactoryImpl.createHandle( at org.wikipathways.cytoscapeapp.DelayedVizProp.applyEdgeBend(

AdamStuart commented 6 years ago

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: width is too small at org.cytoscape.ding.impl.DNodeView.setWidth( at org.cytoscape.ding.impl.DNodeView.applyVisualProperty( at org.cytoscape.ding.impl.AbstractDViewModel.setLockedValue( at org.wikipathways.cytoscapeapp.DelayedVizProp.applyAll( at org.wikipathways.cytoscapeapp.GpmlReaderFactoryImpl$