wikipathways / pathway-figure-ocr

Extracting gene sets from published pathway figures
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Potential improvements to Jupyter and other infra #33

Open ariutta opened 3 years ago

ariutta commented 3 years ago

Moving this from this file to an issue.

take a look at using xeus-python

It supports the jupyterlab debugger. But it's not packaged for nixos yet.

Clean up how to specify extensions

Types of extensions:

Also, we need to specify CLI dependencies for any/all of the above.

Look at how to properly auto-fill whatever is needed for the following:

Also, I want to be able to run my python from a notebook as well as from the command line.

Clean up how to specify R deps

I have installed an extension that formats code on save. I think it's a server extensions. To format R code, the formatter appears to rely on the Python library 'rpy2' as well as the R pkg 'formatR'. I also have an extension for LSP capabilities. To make it work with R, I use the R pkg 'languageserver'.

Is it possible to specify these via extraJupyterPath or extraInputsFrom? I haven't managed to do it, but it should be possible. I tried adding the following to extraJupyterPath, but none of these seemed to do it:

TODO: Automatically detect which packages need to be specified for extraInputsFrom. For now, I just manually specify the deps for nbconvert:

extraInputsFrom = p: [ p.pkgs.pandoc p.pkgs.texlive.combined.scheme-full ];

These were some attempts that did not work:

extraInputsFrom = p: [ pythonEnv.pkgs.nbconvert ];
extraInputsFrom = p: [ p.pythonPackages.nbconvert ];
extraInputsFrom = p: p.pythonPackages.nbconvert.propagatedBuildInputs;
extraInputsFrom = p: pythonEnv.pkgs.nbconvert.propagatedBuildInputs;

extraInputsFrom as specified in one of the lines above gave an error when using direnv:

./.envrc:109: Sourcing: command not found

This is presumably because the dump.env file ./.direnv/wd-86452ccdf0879f88e537141a4809226d/dump.env is modified when extraInputsFrom has a python package, with the following lines being added:

Sourcing python-remove-tests-dir-hook Sourcing Sourcing Sourcing setuptools-build-hook Using setuptoolsBuildPhase Sourcing pip-install-hook Using pipInstallPhase Sourcing Using pythonImportsCheckPhase Sourcing python-namespaces-hook

Rename directory variables to match what Jupyter uses

Errors I have sometimes seen:

TODO: ./.envrc:109: Sourcing: command not found

TODO: @krassowski/jupyterlab-lsp:signature settings schema could not be found and was not loaded

If JUPYTER_DATA_DIR is made immutable, I get the following error:

Unexpected error while saving file: Untitled.ipynb HTTP 500: Internal Server Error (Unexpected error while saving file: Untitled.ipynb [Errno 30] Read-only file system: '/nix/store/rjcbrkd1br3d4kckw1m1ppn9ksv6sm0c-my-share-jupyter-0.0.0/notebook_secret')

I also got an error when I created an R ipynb file and tried saving it:

File Save Error for Untitled1.ipynb

Unexpected error while saving file: Untitled1.ipynb HTTP 500: Internal Server Error (Unexpected error while saving file: Untitled1.ipynb attempt to write a readonly database)

That error is possibly because this file changes when we create a new notebook:


To identify which files must be mutable, make all dirs mutable and then:

newer .share
find .share/ -newermt '2021-04-12 19:00'


find .share/ -newer .share/jupyter/nbextensions/jupytext/jupytext_menu.png

It will yield a list similar to this:

When the R or Python kernel are launched, these will be added/modified:

I was getting the following error message:

Generating grammar tables from /nix/store/sr8r3k029wvgdbv2zr36wr976dk1lya6-python3-3.8.7-env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/blib2to3/Grammar.txt Writing grammar tables to /home/ariutta/.cache/black/20.8b1/ Writing failed: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/ariutta/.cache/black/20.8b1/tmppem8fqj6'

I made it go away by manually adding the directory, but shouldn't this be automatic?

mkdir -p /home/ariutta/.cache/black/20.8b1/

Some useful Nix queries:

nix-store -q --roots /nix/store/93hc8xfc1krv8ab2wi1z246q415iaaw5-python3.8-rpy2-3.4.1
nix-store -q --referrers /nix/store/93hc8xfc1krv8ab2wi1z246q415iaaw5-python3.8-rpy2-3.4.1
for x in $(ls -1 /nix/store | grep rpy2); do echo ""; echo "/nix/store/$x"; sudo nix-store -q --roots /nix/store/"\$x"; done

for code formatting, compare nb_black with jupyterlab-code-formatter.

One difference:

nb_black is an IPython Magic (%), whereas jupyterlab-code-formatter is a combo lab & server extension.

For JupyterLab, call nb_black w/ %load_ext lab_black