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Guidelines for outgoing links (ads to some degree) #444

Closed cristeahub closed 2 years ago

cristeahub commented 8 years ago

There's quite a few links on Wikipendium that links to other sites which also is beneficial for the student, most of these are free to use and follow the same core philosophy as Wikipendium.

We should introduce some guidelines as to what is accepted and what is not when it comes to outgoing links and ads to some degree on Wikipendium. Doing so will prevent the ones contributing to a compendium adding links that should not be added.

We can use this issue to discuss what kinds of guidelines we should add. I'm thinking links are fine as long as they're non-commercial, as Wikipendium is also non-commercial. What do you guys think?

iver56 commented 8 years ago

I think all useful links should be allowed, even links to commercial sites. For example, a link to a YouTube video that explains a concept nicely is useful. It doesn't matter much that YouTube is a commercial thing. What matters is that the link is useful and relevant.

Spammy links with no relevance should not be accepted.