During a review, I had the test `test_group_ct_on_synonyms` that did not pass. But when rerunning the tests again, the test passed. It looks a lot like when I add tests passing randomly based on the order Python chooses to pick the element in the initial set.
Full failed test output:
set_candidates = {<data_container.candidate_term_schema.CandidateTerm object at 0x00000210108B1600>, <data_container.candidate_term_sch... object at 0x00000210108B2680>, <data_container.candidate_term_schema.CandidateTerm object at 0x00000210108B18A0>, ...}
def test_group_ct_on_synonyms(set_candidates):
common_groups = group_cts_on_synonyms(set_candidates)
> assert len(common_groups) == 3
E assert 4 == 3
E + where 4 = len([{<data_container.candidate_term_schema.CandidateTerm object at 0x00000210108B1600>, <data_container.candidate_term_sc...rm object at 0x00000210108B2680>}, {<data_container.candidate_term_schema.CandidateTerm object at 0x00000210108B3130>}])
test\commons\test_candidate_term_tools.py:225: AssertionError
During a review, I had the test `test_group_ct_on_synonyms` that did not pass. But when rerunning the tests again, the test passed. It looks a lot like when I add tests passing randomly based on the order Python chooses to pick the element in the initial set.
Full failed test output: