wiktor-obrebski / SublimeJavaCompiler

Java compiler package for Sublime 2 Text and Sublime 3 Text.
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Generate New Configuration not working #4

Open andrewcole50 opened 10 years ago

andrewcole50 commented 10 years ago

To start off I'm new to adding and using packages with Sublime Text. I have Sublime Text 2 and when I go to Compile and Run Current Project it gives me the option to Generate New Configuration or Cancel. When I select Generate New Configuration nothing happens. I could make the file myself but I don't know where to put it so the compiler can find it. Suggestions?

JesseZhuang commented 10 years ago

I have the same question. When I mouse single left click to select Generate New Configuration nothing happens.I tried to create a file with the name "settings.sublime-javac" with the cotent as below: { "project_name" : "inheritance", "output_dir" : "output", "sources_dir" : "src", "encoding" : "utf-8", "resources" : [], "libs" : [], "entry_file" : "inheritance.java", "entry_point" : "inheritance" }

I then tried to put the file in "sublime text ... \Data\Packages\User" or my src folder. But it still asks me to generate new configuration. How is it supposed to work?