wilas / vbkick

Tool for building and maintaining VirtualBox VMs described as a code in a single definition file.
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Boot2Docker disk size #55

Closed gregelin closed 10 years ago

gregelin commented 10 years ago

Tried running some docker pulls on Boot2Docker instance. Ran into disk space issues.

ocker@boot2docker:~$ docker pull tutum/lamp
Pulling repository tutum/lamp
7b083e6ba96a: Error pulling image (latest) from tutum/lamp, write /var/lib/docker/aufs/diff/5e66087f3ffe002664507d225d07b6929843c3f0299f5335a70c1727c8833737/lib/udev/hwdb.bin: no space left on device 3737/lib/udev/hwdb.bin: no space left on device
5e66087f3ffe: Error downloading dependent layers
2014/06/02 07:59:03 Could not find repository on any of the indexed registries.
docker@boot2docker:~$ df
Filesystem                Size      Used Available Use% Mounted on
rootfs                  446.3M    437.8M      8.4M  98% /
tmpfs                   446.3M    437.8M      8.4M  98% /
tmpfs                   247.9M         0    247.9M   0% /dev/shm
cgroup                  247.9M         0    247.9M   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
tmpfs                   446.3M    437.8M      8.4M  98% /var/lib/docker
docker@boot2docker:~$ exit
wilas commented 10 years ago

This ticket make more sense in the https://github.com/wilas/vbkick-templates-forge repo, but because is here I will comment here. I've added persist-data definition to the Boot2Docker template so if you chose that definition there is 10GB disk space available. I've upgraded as well RAM size to 2GB so that the non persist-data definition has more available space for docker images.