wildfly / galleon

Galleon Provisioning Tool
Apache License 2.0
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Make the capability of persisting hashes of a server public #325

Closed gaol closed 1 year ago

gaol commented 1 year ago

When working on https://github.com/wildfly-extras/prospero/issues/255, which needs a capability to generate hashes of the existing server installation without galleon metadata files, the hashes are needed for the comparison to the generated metadata files.

The hashes generation comes from: https://github.com/wildfly/galleon/blob/5.1.0.Final/core/src/main/java/org/jboss/galleon/ProvisioningManager.java#L831, and I think it would be good if we can reuse the capability in prospero.

So I propose to make ProvisioningManager.persistHashes() public, and change the parameter to the serverDir.

jfdenise commented 1 year ago

Could you log a JIRA issue against the GAL project? In it could you provide a bit more context of what you want to achieve? Thank-you.

gaol commented 1 year ago

The idea was to produce the hashes in an existing server without any galleon metadata files to compare with an galleon provisioned server, however, after discussion with @spyrkob , the changes may not be necessary anymore, using FsEntryFactory.getInstance().filterGalleonPaths().forPath(serverDir) can calculate the hashes, which is sufficient for the comparison, sorry for the noise. :)

gaol commented 1 year ago

close as not planned