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Guide: Using experimental and preview features and WildFly #593

Open bstansberry opened 3 months ago

bstansberry commented 3 months ago

Start the server without the stability flag, show how something is not available Start the server with the stability flag, show how something is now available. Provision with a stability-level flag and see how something is in the config but lower stability things can no longer be enabled Provision with config-stability-level and package-stability-level and show that lower stability things can now be enabled.

We should probably have https://wildfly.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/174184-wildfly-developers/topic/Disable.20Specific.20Stability.20Levels.20at.20Provisioning.20Time in place before doing this, so after WF 33.

We probably need to have an example FP to include in the provisioning so we can have features to demonstrate that will never be promoted.

jmesnil commented 2 months ago

https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yPehNWXx8CEIq4ZcF3t2DNr4kiv9HlwZXkNKKXDTofc/edit describes an user journey for WildFly stability levels and contains pointers and questions that would be answered by this guide.

Ayush9026 commented 1 month ago

@jmesnil sir i will solve this issue.