wildlyinaccurate / jekyll-responsive-image

An unopinionated Jekyll plugin for generating and using responsive images
MIT License
332 stars 48 forks source link

What's the best way to remove this plugin if it is breaking my build? #117

Open davidrhoden opened 2 years ago

davidrhoden commented 2 years ago

Sorry, I'm kind of new to Jekyll.

I have a site on CloudCannon for a client. The helpful people at CloudCannon said the plugin jekyll-responsive-image is breaking my builds, and I need to "change the front matter related to the images" being processed by the plugin. I presume that is all of them, and I just don't see that being feasible. So I'd like to try removing the plugin.

Here's the error it gives:

Creating output directory /usr/local/__site/src/assets/resized/200 
Creating output directory /usr/local/__site/src/_site/assets/resized/200 
Generating /usr/local/__site/src/assets/resized/200/IMAGE-NAME.jpg 
Copying resized image to /usr/local/__site/src/_site/assets/resized/200/IMAGE-NAME.jpg 
Creating output directory /usr/local/__site/src/assets/resized/480 
Creating output directory /usr/local/__site/src/_site/assets/resized/480 
Generating /usr/local/__site/src/assets/resized/480/IMAGE-NAME.jpg 
Copying resized image to /usr/local/__site/src/_site/assets/resized/480/IMAGE-NAME.jpg 
Creating output directory /usr/local/__site/src/assets/resized/800 
Creating output directory /usr/local/__site/src/_site/assets/resized/800 

Generating /usr/local/__site/src/assets/resized/800/IMAGE-NAME.jpg 
Copying resized image to /usr/local/__site/src/_site/assets/resized/800/IMAGE-NAME.jpg 

CloudCannon: ⭐️ Starting cloudcannon-jekyll
       CloudCannon: ⚙️ No config file found at cloudcannon.config.(json|yaml|yml)

       CloudCannon: ⚙️ Falling back to site config
       Deprecation: Document#type is now a key in the #data hash.
       Deprecation: Called by ["/usr/local/.rbenv/versions/2.7.3/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/gems/jekyll-3.8.6/lib/jekyll/document.rb:377:in `method_missing'"].
       CloudCannon: 📁 Processed data collection with 0 files
       CloudCannon: 📁 Processed posts collection with 78 files
       CloudCannon: 📂 Ignored drafts collection
       CloudCannon: 📁 Processed pages collection with 2 files
       CloudCannon: 📁 Processed about-us collection with 10 files
       CloudCannon: 📁 Processed community-associations collection with 14 files
       CloudCannon: 📁 Processed risk-advisories collection with 2 files
       CloudCannon: 📁 Processed notifications collection with 1 files
       CloudCannon: 💾 Processed categories data set
       CloudCannon: 💾 Processed tags data set

       CloudCannon: 🏁 Generated _cloudcannon/info.json successfully
Generating /usr/local/__site/src/assets/resized/200/homebg.jpg 
Copying resized image to /usr/local/__site/src/_site/assets/resized/200/homebg.jpg 
Generating /usr/local/__site/src/assets/resized/480/homebg.jpg 
Copying resized image to /usr/local/__site/src/_site/assets/resized/480/homebg.jpg 
Generating /usr/local/__site/src/assets/resized/800/homebg.jpg 

Copying resized image to /usr/local/__site/src/_site/assets/resized/800/homebg.jpg 

  Liquid Exception: (<unknown>): mapping values are not allowed in this context at line 3 column 33 in /_layouts/secondary-no-sidebar.html
jekyll 3.8.6 | Error:  (<unknown>): mapping values are not allowed in this context at line 3 column 33
/usr/local/.rbenv/versions/2.7.3/lib/ruby/2.7.0/psych.rb:456:in `parse': (<unknown>): mapping values are not allowed in this context at line 3 column 33 (Psych::SyntaxError)
    from /usr/local/.rbenv/versions/2.7.3/lib/ruby/2.7.0/psych.rb:456:in `parse_stream'
    from /usr/local/.rbenv/versions/2.7.3/lib/ruby/2.7.0/psych.rb:390:in `parse'
    from /usr/local/.rbenv/versions/2.7.3/lib/ruby/2.7.0/psych.rb:277:in `load'
    from /usr/local/.rbenv/versions/2.7.3/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/gems/jekyll-responsive-image-1.6.0/lib/jekyll-responsive-image/block.rb:13:in `render'

The images appear in the templates like this:

{% responsive_image_block %}{% endresponsive_image_block %}

Can I replace that with something like {% image_block %}?

davidrhoden commented 2 years ago

Oh line 3 of /_layouts/secondary-no-sidebar.html is the front-matter delineator (---). There's no column 33.

Here's that whole file:

layout: default

{% if page.section %}
  {% assign section=page.section %}
{% elsif page.collection %}
  {% assign section=page.collection %}
{% endif %}
{% assign items=site[section] %}

<section id="secondary-page">

  <div class="container">
    <div id="main-content" class="no-sidebar">
      <div class="container column">

        {{ content }}


    {% if page.skip-blocks != true %}
      {% include child-menu.html items=items %}
    {% endif %}
