wildmountainfarms / solarthing-docs

Contains documentation for SolarThing to be displayed on readthedocs.io
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question change setting on controler via solarthing #4

Closed riker65 closed 1 year ago

riker65 commented 1 year ago


thanks a again for the great software.

having a question but could only raise an issue and no discussion..

Did you try to change settings via the modbus interface already?

Thanks Thomas

retrodaredevil commented 1 year ago

Issues are fine. I probably won't enable discussions.

You can look at the documentation here for changing charging parameters and such: https://solarthing.readthedocs.io/en/latest/config/config-server.html

Let me know if you have any questions.

riker65 commented 1 year ago

HI thanks,

looks great and like this is the use case I need.

but how to implement.

have to define the server in request program?

not in rover? right?

how to interact: you wrote: what is the command in detail if I want to set the setFloatingChargingVoltageRaw to 14?

nc localhost 5051 setFloatingChargingVoltageRaw 14

you wrote: nc localhost 5051 batteryVoltage 24.5

thanks for clarification

Best T

retrodaredevil commented 1 year ago

not in rover? right?

Can you send me your base.json? What version of SolarThing are you running? In modern SolarThing versions the rover program is run through the request program. Note that even if you are using the program/rover directory, you are still likely running the request program as indicated by "type": "request" in your base.json.

The first step after setting all of this up is to run

$ nc localhost 5051

After that, you should be able to type stuff like batteryVoltage<ENTER> or floatingChargingVoltageRaw 140<ENTER>, replacing <ENTER> with pressing your enter key.

riker65 commented 1 year ago

Hi thanks for fast response

running 2022.3.1 solarthing-2022.3.1.jar

looks like need to upgrade first:-)

{ "type": "request", "source": "rpi3solar", "fragment": 3, "unique": 30, "databases": [ ], "request": [ { "type": "modbus", "io": "/opt/solarthing/program/rover/config/usb_id.json", "devices": { "1": { "type": "rover", "server": { "port": 5051 } } } ] } }

riker65 commented 1 year ago

at the moment nc is not running or giving any response, port not listening

retrodaredevil commented 1 year ago

Feel free to update if you would like, but SolarThing has supported this feature since v2021.6.1. So no upgrade should be necessary.

First, can you make sure you restarted SolarThing and make sure it hasn't crashed. Can you give me the logs that are in /opt/solarthing/program/rover/logs/log_info.log, preferably about 30 seconds after you have restarted it.

riker65 commented 1 year ago

Hi looks like I fixed the error in base.json nc is now working

trying to update my rover to custom rover also via request

do you have an example structure for more request within base.json
as rpi-temp and rover?

testing also write data, worked already for lightControlDelayMinutes 5

where do I see in your code the adress you are using for the set function?

really great software thanks !!!!

question: so you use modbus V1.7 protocol manual or is there a new available ?

could not find anything and was wondering about dim: E001H also used in former version 1.1 as charge setting.

thanks a lot

retrodaredevil commented 1 year ago

trying to update my rover to custom rover also via request

This isn't required. I added that feature so that you could have multiple directories to configure multiple separate request programs.

do you have an example structure for more request within base.json

You can find more base.json examples here: https://github.com/wildmountainfarms/solarthing/tree/master/config_templates/base. For RPi temperature, look here: https://github.com/wildmountainfarms/solarthing/blob/master/config_templates/base/mate_template_with_rpi_cpu_temperature.json. That one is an example using the mate program, but it's very similar to the request program. Just add { "type": "rpi-cpu-temp" } to the "request" array in your base.json.

The documentation here: https://solarthing.readthedocs.io/en/latest/config/config-server.html#changing-paramters-of-a-rover points to the link here: https://github.com/wildmountainfarms/solarthing/blob/master/core/src/main/java/me/retrodaredevil/solarthing/solar/renogy/rover/RoverWriteTable.java. CTRL+F for JsonProperty and JsonSetter.

so you use modbus V1.7 protocol manual or is there a new available ?

I have used the v1.7 protocol manual as a reference and an older manual. I have the 1.7 DCC manual, but I do not have the 1.7 renogy rover manual. To implement features in SolarThing I have had to make it compatible with older and newer versions. So whatever model rover you have should be supported.

For write, SolarThing uses that register to change the brightness: https://github.com/wildmountainfarms/solarthing/blob/cd9f6e27788bbc5c228b3cece61700318b4804d8/core/src/main/java/me/retrodaredevil/solarthing/solar/renogy/rover/modbus/RoverModbusSlaveWrite.java#L59. For read, that value is available under the streetLightBrightness and internally it reads it using register 120H (0x0120).

I don't know if the brightness percent ever worked. The E001 register is actually mapped to something else in newer renogy products.

riker65 commented 1 year ago

thanks a lot, great job

retrodaredevil commented 1 year ago

Glad to help! If you need anymore help, feel free to reopen this issue if it relates to what we've talked about, or open an issue at https://github.com/wildmountainfarms/solarthing/issues. (I prefer issues being opened there unless it's strictly related to the documentation).

riker65 commented 1 year ago

Hi was testing with an easy value but looks like it is not stored

see nc communication `nc localhost 5051

lightControlDelayMinutes 0 lightControlDelayMinutes 5 success

lightControlDelayMinutes 0 `

what am I doing wrong?


update same for

systemVoltageSetting 24 success systemVoltageSetting 255 255 is FF which is automatic recognition which I was using.

but wanted to set it manual to 24

retrodaredevil commented 1 year ago

Yeah so I don't have any definitive answers. A while back when I messed with this I noticed that some values do not change. There are a couple of possible reasons for this:

You can first try doing batteryType user-unlocked to see if you can edit other settings now: Note that changing the battery settings may have unintended side effects if you were using different charging parameters. (For instance if you had it set to lithium before, you'll want to make sure you manually change the setpoints to get all the parameters how you want them to be).

I remember having the same problem with the system voltage setting. I think that you either have to change that setting on the charge controller itself, or it needs to be in the user-unlocked mode. I don't believe that lightControlDelayMinutes works, at least not on most models. Most of the stuff relating to a "street light" is not supported on rover models.

retrodaredevil commented 1 year ago

Now, if there is something you are trying to do (such as automate a light coming on after dark via the aux output), let me know and I can try and guide you in the right direction. For automations like that I have used the configuration of actions, which are not a documented part of SolarThing yet. Basically, you write a script in either JSON or this scripting language I made and it can command the aux to be on/off based on values from the charge controller (such as it being night time or 5 minutes after night time).

This is a more advanced route, but I figured I'd mention it since it sounds like you are trying to do something with your aux output.

riker65 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your help,

actually I wanted to use it for custom configuration of charge settings. Controller buttons and display hard to see where I placed it. and for testing with different battery types and voltage setting for LifePO4 would be great.

Will try to find out what can be done without side effects.

riker65 commented 1 year ago

Hi, tried

` pi@pi3solar:~$ nc localhost 5051 batteryType user-unlocked






systemVoltageSetting 24




` looks unlock worked somehow. I am having issues with my voltagesettings, from my point of view they do not match with a 24V system

Unfortunately renogy support is not realing helping. They focus more on social media but on function.....and support

my overvoltage response chargingVoltageLimitRaw 155 which is 15.5 I think same dischargingLimitVoltageRaw 106, which is 10.6V right.

But for 24V this does not make sense, checking with renogy support

retrodaredevil commented 1 year ago

The raw values with always look like they are for a 12V battery. When the charge controller is in 24V mode, it uses these parameters, but they are multiplied by 2. This means that settings for a 24V battery have a resolution of 0.2V. So, a value of 155 is actually 31.0V on a 24V system.

Renogy support is sometimes helpful. I imagine they won't tell you much about their protocol, but would help you with the controller itself if you are having problems.

riker65 commented 1 year ago

Hi ok, where do you have the information from? "When the charge controller is in 24V mode, it uses these parameters, but they are multiplied by 2. " resolution of 0.2 volt is quit big

Want to change to custom setting via modbus, but did not archive it yet

riker65 commented 1 year ago

which mapping did you use for batteryype user-unlock? is this like self customized?

1: 'open',
2: 'sealed',
3: 'gel',
4: 'lithium',
5: 'self-customized

? modbus document does not show the mapping

retrodaredevil commented 1 year ago

Here: https://github.com/wildmountainfarms/solarthing/blob/8787d7ac0b7c58958da4de52f5580eecc73ea012/core/src/main/java/me/retrodaredevil/solarthing/solar/renogy/RoverBatteryType.java#L19

Looking at some of the comments I put in that file, my past self said that you have to change the battery type manually, then you can configure parameters over modbus. I say my past self because I don't really remember if this is true or not, but it's worth a shot.

Yeah the modbus document doesn't show a lot of things. It's not a great piece of documentation.

I agree the resolution of 0.2V is big, but that's kind of standard for most charge controllers sadly. I mean, it's basically the same magnitude of resolution you would get on a 12V charge controller.

riker65 commented 1 year ago

thanks again,

I am wondering if I let the BMS do the main control, so no need for more resolution on mppt renogy charger, but should be nice to better customize the setting via modbus, did send a mail to renogy....but the are more into social media...

I managed to set different values after I changed user-unlock self-customed

values where persistant after setting batteryType to lithium after that self-customized/user-unlock I could change settings and the retained.

looks like any config are persistent only for lithium battery tpye setting

wondering how to handle the systemchange to 24V and calculation by 2 same for 48V systems, Maybe Renogy should to it in the firmware, otherwise it is misleading.?

looks like any config are persistent only for lithium battery tpye setting

batteryType self-customized
chargingVoltageLimit 29
Got error: Unrecognized field "chargingVoltageLimit" (class me.retrodaredevil.solarthing.solar.renogy.rover.modbus.RoverModbusSlaveWrite), not marked as ignorable (28 known properties: "ledLoadCurrentSettingRaw", "streetLightBrightness", "dischargingLimitVoltageRaw", "overVoltageThresholdRaw", "equalizingChargingIntervalDays", "temperatureCompensationFactorRaw", "overDischargeRecoveryVoltageRaw", "equalizingChargingIntervalRaw", "overDischargeTimeDelaySeconds", "overDischargeVoltageRaw", "temperatureCompensationFactor", "floatingChargingVoltageRaw", "lightControlDelayMinutes", "load", "batteryType", "boostChargingRecoveryVoltageRaw", "address", "lightControlVoltage", "equalizingChargingVoltageRaw", "chargingVoltageLimitRaw", "boostChargingVoltageRaw", "equalizingChargingTimeMinutes", "boostChargingTimeRaw", "equalizingChargingTimeRaw", "systemVoltageSetting", "ledLoadCurrentSettingMilliAmps", "underVoltageWarningLevelRaw", "boostChargingTimeMinutes"])
 at [Source: UNKNOWN; byte offset: #UNKNOWN] (through reference chain: me.retrodaredevil.solarthing.solar.renogy.rover.modbus.RoverModbusSlaveWrite["chargingVoltageLimit"])
batteryType user-unlocked
chargingVoltageLimit 29
Got error: Unrecognized field "chargingVoltageLimit" (class me.retrodaredevil.solarthing.solar.renogy.rover.modbus.RoverModbusSlaveWrite), not marked as ignorable (28 known properties: "ledLoadCurrentSettingRaw", "streetLightBrightness", "dischargingLimitVoltageRaw", "overVoltageThresholdRaw", "equalizingChargingIntervalDays", "temperatureCompensationFactorRaw", "overDischargeRecoveryVoltageRaw", "equalizingChargingIntervalRaw", "overDischargeTimeDelaySeconds", "overDischargeVoltageRaw", "temperatureCompensationFactor", "floatingChargingVoltageRaw", "lightControlDelayMinutes", "load", "batteryType", "boostChargingRecoveryVoltageRaw", "address", "lightControlVoltage", "equalizingChargingVoltageRaw", "chargingVoltageLimitRaw", "boostChargingVoltageRaw", "equalizingChargingTimeMinutes", "boostChargingTimeRaw", "equalizingChargingTimeRaw", "systemVoltageSetting", "ledLoadCurrentSettingMilliAmps", "underVoltageWarningLevelRaw", "boostChargingTimeMinutes"])
 at [Source: UNKNOWN; byte offset: #UNKNOWN] (through reference chain: me.retrodaredevil.solarthing.solar.renogy.rover.modbus.RoverModbusSlaveWrite["chargingVoltageLimit"])
batteryType sealed
batteryType lithium
boostChargingVoltageRaw 142
batteryType sealed
retrodaredevil commented 1 year ago

chargingVoltageLimit does not exist. You must use chargingVoltageLimitRaw and convert appropriately. You probably want:

chargingVoltageLimitRaw 145

That will give you a charging voltage limit of 29.0V. If you have a 48V system, 145 would be 14.5*4=58.0V.

looks like any config are persistent only for lithium battery tpye setting

Not really sure what you mean by this, could you elaborate more? I know for certain that parameters you set then change are persistent while in user mode, I don't know anything about the other modes. I'm not surprised that changing battery types will result in a reset to the modifications you have made to the preset battery types.

Even if I understand better exactly what you are trying to do with your battery parameter configuration, I probably won't have many recommendations for getting it how you want it. You kind of just have to play around with setting and checking values until you have what you want.

SolarThing implements all the Modbus stuff correctly, but the Rover is very picky about how you go about changing things it seems.

riker65 commented 1 year ago

Hi, actually I want to limit the loading to SOC 85-90% can only be archieved via custom confiuragion which looks like is only possible for one value Boost Charge Voltage


I am in touch with renogy for that. Solarthing is doing a great job.

only thing I do not understand is the differenc between user-unlock and self-customized

see log:

` 1 batteryType user-unlocked success batteryType 1 BoostChargingRecoveryVoltageRaw unknown field systemVoltageSetting 255 BoostChargingRecoveryVoltageRaw^[[1~^[[3~b unknown field boostChargingRecoveryVoltageRaw 132 boostChargingVoltageRaw 146 boostChargingVoltageRaw 144 success boostChargingVoltageRaw 146

batteryType self-customized success batteryType 1 systemVoltageSetting 255 boostChargingVoltageRaw 146 boostChargingVoltageRaw 142 success boostChargingVoltageRaw 146 batteryType lithium success batteryType 4 systemVoltageSetting 24 boostChargingVoltageRaw 142 `

bootChargingVoltageRaw is only changed for lithium .

this is just for info I think and better understanding what Renogy allows

retrodaredevil commented 1 year ago

case "self-customized": case "custom": case "customized": case "user": case "user-unlocked": are all the same. There is no difference.

However, when you set it to either of those and it does not change to 0 for the batteryType, that's when you have to set it manually on the charge controller. If the battery type is not 0 or 5, then it is not in the user/self-customized battery type.

Now to explain the user-locked battery type. In this case, the parameters are the same (it uses the user parameters), however when it is set to mode 5, modbus commands will not be able to change the charging parameters.

The important thing to take away is that if you want to edit the user charging parameters, I believe you must change it manually by selecting it on the charge controller.

This "locked"/"unlocked" logic I'm talking about is all anecdotal and is what I have picked up by playing with the charge controller. It is not documented anywhere.

riker65 commented 1 year ago

thanks for clarification

retrodaredevil commented 1 year ago

Feel free to reopen this if you need any more help on this.

Otherwise open your next issue at https://github.com/wildmountainfarms/solarthing/issues