wildskyf / TextareaCache

Browser Add-on: Automatically save the content in Textarea.
MIT License
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not working in FF 66.0.5 #104

Open vsrawat opened 3 years ago

vsrawat commented 3 years ago

/ Thanks for your report! Please provide these info when you found bugs. /


Optional: on opening the textarea window, it shows just the url, it doesn't show the "summary" to identify which text is saved, nor shows the below pane where details of that save appear.

On clicking the url shown in first column, that page opens in browser.

Clicking "copy" from the right column, brings entire html text to clipboard, but that doesn't have that saged tesxt.

affinage commented 3 years ago

66.0.5. Firefox Release. May 7, 2019

it's obvious, but have you tried updating your browser?

vsrawat commented 3 years ago

On 8/20/2021 5:17 PM, affinage wrote:

66.0.5. Firefox Release. May 7, 2019

it's obvious, but have you tried updating your browser?

If it is not to work in my version of ff by design, could you please tell me to the last released version of textarea cache that was working in this version.

I will install that and my problem will be solved and you can close this issue then.

That ends my answer.

This part is not relevant to the issue, just answering the question asked.

If you are really interested in knowing why I don't update, Firefox has now forced version wise profiles, thus for every every updated ff (and there are too many updates) it makes new profile, thus wasting my harddisk and backup spaces, and changes the profile files structures so that newer files cannot work on older version.

That is a mess and and an eccentricity of ff developers.

So, I have found and installed last version 66.0.5. BEFORE that sickly "per-version profile" was added, and I have stopped all updates to ff.

Thanks. -- Rawat

vsrawat commented 3 years ago

On 8/20/2021 5:17 PM, affinage wrote:

66.0.5. Firefox Release. May 7, 2019

it's obvious, but have you tried updating your browser?

In continuation with my previous reply, I have addition question, that if new version of textarea cache is not supposed to work with ff 66.0.5, why and how did the add-on update?

Shouldn't it have stopped right there saying "the new version of add-on is not compatible with your version of ff" and shouldn't have updated the add-on?

Thanks. -- Rawat

vsrawat commented 3 years ago

To add,

It is partly working in my version of ff.

  1. textarea cache is saving details of new facebook posts that I post.

  2. But, it doesn't save my comments to my or others' post. In such post it just saves home-page url, instead of the actual post on which I had commented, and clicking on that home-page url opens the home page, that is of no use, as I cannot even see that post to be able to copy from there.

What made you make such a change to suit newer versions of ff?

I mean, fb has not changed, so why should add-on handle the same thing differently now? To my untrained mind, it seems not by intentional design, it seems more like a bug. so I reported. It is perfectly ok if you did it intentionally for our own reason.

I was previously using Lazarus that had gone down silently one day, then I came across your add-on and I was happy.

Should I search for another add-on or browser giving the same functionality.

Thanks. -- Rawat