wildstar84 / fauxdacious

Audacious Audioplayer FORK, adds DVD & video play, and much more!
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Feature request: Album list #15

Closed daemonspudguy closed 9 months ago

daemonspudguy commented 1 year ago

Since Audacious will never implement an ability to choose and listen to an album specifically, I think it would be a potentially useful feature for Fauxdacious.

wildstar84 commented 1 year ago

Can you better describe how this would work? I'm guessing by "album" you're referring to "all songs in a directory and it's subdirectories whose album tag=="? Also note that Fauxdacious has already extended the "Search & Select" feature to find and select for play all songs (in the playlist) by album (or other) tag(s). Re "Aud will never implement..." - Is there an Audacious feature request# that describes this that they rejected, or are sitting on?

daemonspudguy commented 1 year ago

That is correct. And yes, there was.

daemonspudguy commented 1 year ago


wildstar84 commented 1 year ago

Have you tried the Ampache plugin? I merged that into Fauxdacious (Qt vsn) several years ago (but don't use it myself due to lack of need or interest, so I don't recall the specifics of it), but if I recall, it provides a gui for creating / selecting album playlists pretty close to what you are wanting?

Another less eligent option to consider might be using Fauxdacious to create a playlist file for each of your albums (Idk how many albums you have) and keep them in a "playlist directory" named after each album, and use your filemanager to select one(s) you want to play and to launch Fauxdacious with them (Fauxdacious has the added feature to be launched with more than one playlist file specified into tabs, which Audacious lacks). In short, using your file-manager as the playlist/album GUI window.

Pbm. is that other than (maybe) Ampache, Audacious (and therefore Fauxdacious) are not currently structured by themselves with a playlist-management GUI (as your reference post pointed out), and creating one from scratch for both GTK and Qt would be a difficult and time-consuming task for them & even more so for me, but I'm open to ideas (and code contributions)! This would be an interesting feature to have, but my interest is inversely related to how much work I have to do to implement it! ;)

daemonspudguy commented 1 year ago

How do I compile the Ampache plugin?

wildstar84 commented 1 year ago

You'll first need to install Ampache browser (https://ampache-browser.org/) and pbly this (Ampache server: https://ampache.org/), then rerun autogen.sh and configure in fauxdacious-plugins. The configure script should then tell you whether you have the ampache libs (dependency) installed successfully. If so, rebuild (make). I can't remember if you also then need to go to fauxdacious-plugins/src/ampache/ and run make & make install manually from there or not. Sorry, but it's been over 5 years since I last installed this (on another box) to test the plugin when Audacious first released it, but I do recall that it did work in Fauxdacious in my testing (after I filed a bug to Audacious regarding it & they fixed)! It seems pretty stable, as neither I nor Audacious have updated it in years. When working and set up for your music library, Fauxdacious (and Audacious) should create the "music browser" in a plugin window (docked or undocked) pretty close to what you are looking for. Note: It requires the Qt version of Audacious/Fauxdacious, and no, I'm not going to try to create a GTK vsn of the plugin.

wildstar84 commented 1 year ago

Now, after dusting this thing off, it appears that I just tested the plugin without ever installing and setting up an Ampache SERVER, b/c ampache-browser has a "demo server" mode, but you would have to set up a local server with your music to use your music. At least though, you could build w/the browser plugin (and try out with their demo albums, which do actually play) and see if that'll actually do what you want before going thru the bother of installing & setting up a local server for your music.

daemonspudguy commented 1 year ago

I have done that. It kind of works but is prone to crashing, got some reason.

wildstar84 commented 9 months ago

You might try it using the latest version of real Audacious & see if it's "crashy" there (They do have a recent Ampache commit that I haven't merged yet). If so, report a bug there (and I'll merge there fix, if any), if not then perhaps I need to take another look at it, but in that case I don't hold out much hope in that I don't use Ampache (a separate program) and haven't touched it in years.

daemonspudguy commented 9 months ago

I've long since switched back to DeaDBeeF and forgot this existed. I'm gonna close it.