wilfm / GnomeExtensionMaximusTwo

Removes the title bar on maximised windows. See: https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/844/maximus-two/
63 stars 27 forks source link

Doesn't work on gnome 3.18 #42

Open JodiTheTigger opened 8 years ago

JodiTheTigger commented 8 years ago

ARch 64, just upgraded to gnome 3.18, extension didn't work.

I updated metadata.json from 3.16 to 3.18 and tried again, I got an error in lg of:

No signal 'maximize' on object 'ShellWM'

JodiTheTigger commented 8 years ago

Other people with the same issue: https://github.com/mlutfy/hidetopbar/issues/79 https://github.com/micheleg/dash-to-dock/issues/214 https://github.com/micheleg/dash-to-dock/issues/202

JodiTheTigger commented 8 years ago

As per (https://github.com/mlutfy/hidetopbar/pull/82/files) I changed

    wmCallbackIDs.push(global.window_manager.connect('maximize', updateAppMenu));
    wmCallbackIDs.push(global.window_manager.connect('unmaximize', updateAppMenu));

in app_menu.js (~216) to

    wmCallbackIDs.push(global.window_manager.connect('size-change', updateAppMenu));

So now the script runs, but doesn't remove the title bar.

I give up :-(

davidcortesortuno commented 8 years ago

Same here

viing937 commented 8 years ago

I do as you said and it works well now. Arch 64, too.

jrouleau commented 8 years ago

@JodiTheTigger @davidcortesortuno

So now the script runs, but doesn't remove the title bar.

Make sure you have xprop installed

On Arch: pacman -S xorg-utils

See: https://github.com/wilfm/GnomeExtensionMaximusTwo#prerequisites

JodiTheTigger commented 8 years ago

@jrouleau Thanks, didn't notice the dependencies, dunno why it worked previously :-/

wilfm commented 8 years ago

Any issues in 3.18 with xprop etc installed?

ikuraj commented 8 years ago

Not sure if this is related, but I used the extension with 3.18 (installed through this aur package) and noticed constant CPU usage (on my machine it amounts to 20%) and some errors in the log like:

Nov 04 20:40:17 pc gnome-session[2092]: Gjs-Message: JS LOG: [maximus-two]: Can't find original state for null with id 0x40016b8
Nov 04 20:40:41 pc gnome-session[2092]: Gjs-Message: JS LOG: [maximus-two]: Can't find original state for Unsaved Document 1 - gedit with id 0x6600059
wilfm commented 8 years ago

@kaptoxic thats not from this repo, thats from someone else's (this one https://github.com/dffischer/GnomeExtensionMaximusTwo), so you could report it there. You could try the https://github.com/danielkza/GnomeExtensionMaximusTwo/ branch though (currently for just 3.16), or the one from https://github.com/wilfm/GnomeExtensionMaximusTwo/pull/43.

I know I need to merge and update stuff myself, its just A) merging the right, adding bits etc B) testing (difficult at the mo) C) getting past the reviewing thing (unlike version 4 :( ). Sorry...

ikuraj commented 8 years ago

Oh, I see. I thought that AUR package was based on your repo (I guess it got changed). Wow, these (evidently popular) forks are two-level forks of your repo. :)

Yes, this seems a mess. How hard is to consolidate these repositories into one? How can the community help you in doing this (especially the testing part)?

hAh0L13 commented 8 years ago

Can't install in gnome 3.18 under x64 Fedora 23.

Try to install from extensions.gnome.org - switch to "On", agree on pop-up window, but extension doesn't install. When i refresh page, switch seems to be "Off"

Try to git clone, zip and install from gnome-tweak-tool, but it says "Invalid extension"

PS Previously used pixel-saver, first disable it before install MaximusTwo.

diaevd commented 8 years ago

Temporary you can clone extension from https://github.com/diaevd/GnomeExtensionMaximusTwo Just try it.

hAh0L13 commented 8 years ago

Invalid extension, as i previously say.

diaevd commented 8 years ago

You need to zip only maximus-two@wilfinitlike.gmail.com folder from cloned repo, but not the whole folder. Or just copy maximus-two@wilfinitlike.gmail.com to ~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions and then enable it:

git clone https://github.com/diaevd/GnomeExtensionMaximusTwo cd GnomeExtentionMaximusTwo cp -R maximus-two@wilfinitlike.gmail.com ~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/ gnome-shell-extension-tool -e "maximus-two@wilfinitlike.gmail.com"

hAh0L13 commented 8 years ago

Yeah, i'm try to zip only maximus-two folder, try to zip only files in that folder - anyway, "Invalid extension"

Second option - copy to .local and use commmand-line tool help me. It says "already enabled" and after shell restart MaximusTwo successfully work for me, big thanks!

PS I don't know what i did wrong

Svarozic commented 8 years ago

I have also Fedora23 with Gnome 3.18 but for my this plugin works out of box: https://github.com/danielkza/GnomeExtensionMaximusTwo/

I have just downloaded it and extracted "maximus-two@wilfinitlike.gmail.com" to extensions folder ..

johnche commented 8 years ago

Im running Fedora23 and are also having troubles.

Seems that its being labeled as outdated in my gnome-extensions. I did copy "maximus-two@wilfinitlike.gmail.com" to extensions folder and ran gnome-shell-extension-tool -e on it without success screenshot from 2016-04-07 21-58-29

Edit: I figured the solution to my problem was that metadata.json in maximus-two@wilfinitlike.gmail.com folder has a 3.16 that should be changed to 3.18 so to fit with my gnome shell version.

ikuraj commented 8 years ago

@wilfm, is there any chance you can describe shortly (e.g. in a wiki) how does this extension work and where should we look at if we want to make it work, please? (Your extension is a lifesaver, especially since titlebars in Gnome 3.20 became even bigger for some reason and it's really annoying.)

ikuraj commented 8 years ago

Just to confirm that I was running the version from the master branch of this repo for several days and everything seems to be working fine -- no high CPU usage or other visible issues (on Arch Linux, Gnome 3.20.2).

Therefore, I believe all these different versions/branches could be removed and/or consolidated, and these reported issues (finally) closed.

tongtf commented 7 years ago

I change the file /home/user/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/maximus-two@wilfinitlike.gmail.com/metadata.json item "shell-version" from 3.16 to 3.20 ,it work well under fedora 24,gnome 3.20