built assets for electron 10.1.1 manually, and add .node file to node_modules, after that, got the error msg:
Uncaught Error: Loading non-context-aware native module in renderer: '.../Release/iohook.node', but app.allowRendererProcessReuse is true,
as the error info mention above, I set app.allowRendererProcessReuse = false in main process, sadly
the application process can't start again...
I guess electron 10.1.1 is not supported by iohook currently?
built assets for electron 10.1.1 manually, and add .node file to node_modules, after that, got the error msg: Uncaught Error: Loading non-context-aware native module in renderer: '.../Release/iohook.node', but app.allowRendererProcessReuse is true, as the error info mention above, I set app.allowRendererProcessReuse = false in main process, sadly the application process can't start again...
I guess electron 10.1.1 is not supported by iohook currently?