wilkes / projected

event sourced cqrs sample
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Documentation #1

Closed maacl closed 12 years ago

maacl commented 12 years ago

This looks interesting. Is there any documentation, blog post or similar outlining the workings of the project/library?

wilkes commented 12 years ago

It's just my effort to understand CQRS and EventSourcing using Clojure. I used this pdf as a guide.


maacl commented 12 years ago

Ok, thanks.

I get:

Compiling "resources/public/javascripts/main.js" failed: java.io.FileNotFoundException: Could not locate crate/macros__init.class or crate/macros.clj on classpath:

when trying to invoke:

lein cljsbuild once

On Fri, Sep 28, 2012 at 1:17 PM, Wilkes Joiner notifications@github.comwrote:

It's just my effort to understand CQRS and EventSourcing using Clojure. I used this pdf as a guide.


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