wilkinghoff / sub-cluster-AdaCos

Accompanying code for the paper Sub-Cluster AdaCos: Learning Representations for Anomalous Sound Detection.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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docker image or the pip env list? #2

Open yangshunDragon opened 2 years ago

yangshunDragon commented 2 years ago

Hello, @wilkinghoff Thanks very much for opening source your code!

I reimplement the env and tried to run with my own audio dataset. It seems there exist some bug for keras or tf.keras? https://github.com/wilkinghoff/sub-cluster-AdaCos/blob/52d6758d68df7744a49e76bebeae5c9d2b221ba3/main.py#L387
Maybe I used different version for some lib in my env. Could you please share your docker image or the pip env list? Then we could tell what is different.

yangshunDragon commented 2 years ago

My pip env list is as below: Package Version

absl-py 0.15.0 appdirs 1.4.4 astor 0.8.1 astunparse 1.6.3 audioread 2.1.9 cached-property 1.5.2 cachetools 4.2.4 certifi 2021.10.8 cffi 1.15.0 charset-normalizer 2.0.9 clang 5.0 cloudpickle 2.0.0 dataclasses 0.8 decorator 5.1.0 flatbuffers 1.12 gast 0.2.2 google-auth 1.35.0 google-auth-oauthlib 0.4.6 google-pasta 0.2.0 grpcio 1.43.0 h5py 3.1.0 idna 3.3 importlib-metadata 4.8.3 joblib 1.1.0 Keras 2.3.1 Keras-Applications 1.0.8 Keras-Preprocessing 1.1.2 librosa 0.8.1 llvmlite 0.36.0 Markdown 3.3.6 normalSpeed 0.0.1 numba 0.53.1 numpy 1.19.5 oauthlib 3.1.1 opt-einsum 3.3.0 packaging 21.3 pandas 1.1.5 pip 21.3.1 pooch 1.5.2 protobuf 3.19.1 pyasn1 0.4.8 pyasn1-modules 0.2.8 pycparser 2.21 pyparsing 3.0.6 python-dateutil 2.8.2 pytz 2021.3 PyYAML 6.0 requests 2.26.0 requests-oauthlib 1.3.0 resampy 0.2.2 rsa 4.8 scikit-learn 0.24.2 scipy 1.4.1 setuptools 49.6.0.post20210108 six 1.15.0 SoundFile 0.10.3.post1 tensorboard 2.1.1 tensorboard-data-server 0.6.1 tensorboard-plugin-wit 1.8.0 tensorflow 2.1.0 tensorflow-estimator 2.1.0 tensorflow-gpu 2.1.0 tensorflow-probability 0.9.0 termcolor 1.1.0 threadpoolctl 3.0.0 tqdm 4.62.3 typing-extensions urllib3 1.26.7 Werkzeug 2.0.2 wheel 0.37.1 wrapt 1.12.1 zipp 3.6.0

wilkinghoff commented 2 years ago

Here is mine: Package Version

absl-py 0.9.0 appdirs 1.4.4 astor 0.6.2 astunparse 1.6.3 audioread 2.1.6 aupyom 0.1.0 backcall 0.1.0 bleach 1.5.0 cachetools 4.0.0 certifi 2018.10.15 cffi 1.11.5 chardet 3.0.4 Click 7.0 cloudpickle 1.4.1 colorama 0.4.1 cycler 0.10.0 Cython 0.29.21 dcase-util 0.2.10 decorator 4.3.0 deprecation 2.0.7 dm-tree 0.1.5 docopt 0.6.2 flatbuffers 1.12 future 0.17.1 gast 0.3.3 google-auth 1.11.3 google-auth-oauthlib 0.4.1 google-pasta 0.2.0 grpcio 1.27.2 gym 0.10.9 h5py 2.10.0 hdf5storage 0.1.15 html5lib 0.9999999 idna 2.7 imageio 2.8.0 imageio-ffmpeg 0.4.2 imbalanced-learn 0.8.0 imblearn 0.0 ipython 7.5.0 ipython-genutils 0.2.0 jedi 0.13.3 jiwer 2.1.0 joblib 0.17.0 kapre 0.1.4 Keras 2.2.5 Keras-Applications 1.0.8 Keras-Preprocessing 1.1.2 kiwisolver 1.0.1 librosa 0.8.0 llvmlite 0.34.0 Markdown 2.6.11 matplotlib 2.2.2 ml-metrics 0.1.4 mock 2.0.0 moviepy 1.0.3 networkx 2.4 nose 1.3.7 np-utils num2words 0.5.10 numba 0.51.2 numpy 1.18.2 oauthlib 3.1.0 opencv-contrib-python openl3 0.3.1 opt-einsum 3.2.0 packaging 20.3 pandas 0.23.0 parso 0.4.0 pbr 4.0.4 pickleshare 0.7.5 Pillow 5.3.0 pip 20.2.4 pooch 1.2.0 proglog 0.1.9 prompt-toolkit 2.0.9 protobuf 3.11.3 pyaml 19.12.0 pyasn1 0.4.8 pyasn1-modules 0.2.8 pycparser 2.19 pydot-ng 2.0.0 pyglet 1.3.2 Pygments 2.4.2 PyOpenGL 3.1.0 pyparsing 2.2.0 PySoundFile 0.9.0.post1 python-crfsuite 0.9.7 python-dateutil 2.7.3 python-Levenshtein 0.12.0 python-magic 0.4.15 python-speech-features 0.6 pytz 2018.4 PyWavelets 1.1.1 PyYAML 5.1 requests 2.23.0 requests-oauthlib 1.3.0 resampy 0.2.2 rsa 4.0 scikit-image 0.14.5 scikit-learn 0.24.2 scipy 1.4.1 seaborn 0.11.0 sed-eval 0.2.1 setuptools 46.0.0 SIDEKIT 1.2.3 six 1.14.0 sklearn 0.0 sklearn-crfsuite 0.3.6 snips-nlu 0.20.2 snips-nlu-en 0.2.3 snips-nlu-parsers 0.4.3 snips-nlu-utils 0.9.1 sounddevice 0.3.12 SoundFile 0.10.2 sphfile 1.0.2 swalign 0.3.6 tabulate 0.8.7 tb-nightly 2.4.0a20200818 tensorboard 2.3.0 tensorboard-plugin-wit 1.6.0.post3 tensorboard-pytorch 0.7.1 tensorboardX 1.4 tensorflow 2.3.0 tensorflow-addons 0.11.2 tensorflow-estimator 2.3.0 tensorflow-probability 0.11.1 tensorflow-tensorboard 1.5.1 termcolor 1.1.0 tf-estimator-nightly 2.3.0.dev2020061601 Theano 1.0.2 threadpoolctl 2.1.0 torch 0.4.1 torchvision 0.2.1 tqdm 4.32.1 traitlets 4.3.2 tslearn typeguard 2.10.0 urllib3 1.24.1 validators 0.13.0 wcwidth 0.1.7 Werkzeug 0.14.1 wheel 0.31.1 wrapt 1.12.1