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Evaporating globules in photoionized nebulae
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Find articles on M1-67 and WR124 #19

Open will-henney opened 1 year ago

will-henney commented 1 year ago

@RobeReyes should do a literature search on this object and select some recent papers that he thinks are interesting and relevant.

RobeReyes commented 1 year ago

In Marcel on section 3.4 they estimate a density of $n_e\sim 2000 cm^{-3}$ in the central and $\sim 500 cm^{-3}$ at the external regions, using $[S II]$ lines. And for the distance they use $5.87 +/- 1.48$ kpc .

In Jimenez in section 3.2 they use a radial power-law density distribution ans estimate a density of $n_e\sim 1500 cm^{-3}$ at the central and $\sim150 cm^{-3}$ at the external regions. In some central positions they estimate a density of $\sim 2400 cm^{-3}$

will-henney commented 1 year ago

Please see if you can find an estimate of the ionizing luminosity of the star, but put the quantitive estimates in the other thread #20. Here you should write summaries of the papers that you have found.

RobeReyes commented 1 year ago

In Marchenko they use data of two epochs, 2011 and 2008, with differents exposures times, in 2001 was 2500s and in 2008 was 8500-600 s. For the import values of some properties they compare with C99 and H06, they results that we consider are $v\infty \sim 710 km/s$, $v{exp}=46 km/s$, $\dot{M}=10^{-4.5}M_\circ/yr$ and $T=35.8 kK$ in Table 1. In this paper they assuming some geometry and they found that in the case of WR 124, the density of the ejected M1–67 nebula falls off as $r^{−0.8}$. not as $r^{-2}$. For the basis of the geometric distance to WR 124/M1–67, they re-derived the physical properties of WR 124 using ultraviolet, optical, and near-infrared spectroscopic data.

In Toalá from Marchenko they think that from the radial velocity measurements of WR 124 could not be used as a reliable identification of orbital motion in a binary, because some papers think that maybe they are a binary system. And some results from different papers concluded that this is a WN8h star. Similarly to Manchresko they found an axis-simetric geometry using an image by Spitzer $24 \mu m$. Some values that they use from Hanna and Gaia collaborations are $\dot{M}=8\times 10^{-5}M\circ /yr$, $v\infty=710 km/s$ $v_*=190 km/s$ and the important value is for the distance $d=8.7 kpc$, in Table 1.

Some of this values for WR 124 was taken from different papers, in Hamann using PoWR model atmospheres they found $\dot{M}=10^{-4.5}M\circ/yr$ and $T=39.8 kK$ on Table 2. On Crowther they found a Lyman continuum ionization of $L*=10^{49.1} photons/s$, $\dot{M}=10^{-4.7}M_\circ/yr$ and $T=45 kK$ on Table 2.

will-henney commented 1 year ago

With respect to the Marchenko paper, the result on the density profile is from an earlier paper: Grosdidier et al 1998. You should read this paper and summarise its results. It uses a very similar methodology to what we used to determine the density in the LDN1616 flow

will-henney commented 1 year ago

The Grosdidier paper also at last partially recognized the nature of the evaporating globules: CleanShot 2023-04-20 at 16 57 36@2x

Note that they also estimated the density of what they call "bullets", which we suspect to be the base of photoevaporation flows.

will-henney commented 1 year ago

For the distance, we will prefer the value from Gaia of 5.43 kpc from Gaia, although we need to find an uncertainty for it. We should rescale all results from the literature for luminosities, etc, to be consistent with this distance.

The distance determined by Marchenko of 3.35 kpc might have a systematic error if the material speed of expansion is slower than the pattern speed that they estimate from the proper motions. There are lots of studies of this issue in the context of planetary nebulae. For instance Schonberner et al 2005 and Schonberner et al 2019.

CleanShot 2023-04-20 at 17 36 48@2x

The situation in the WR nebula will be very similar to a PN in the sense that it comes from the photoionization of stellar ejecta followed by the interaction with a fast wind from the central star. However, the details might be a bit different. Anyway, it looks like the correction factor might be about 1.5 between the material velocity and the pattern speed. If we use that, then the Marchenko distance would become 5.025 kpc, which now is very close to the Gaia value.

will-henney commented 1 year ago

List of articles that might be of interest:

  1. Zavala, Toalá, et al 2022 Has high resolution spectroscopy for multiple longslit positions
  2. Grosdidier second paper 2001 Includes Fabry Perot kinematic observations
RobeReyes commented 1 year ago

In Zavala they use observations of San Pedro Martir along 17 long-slit position. they observed that have a broken structure at $PA\approx 100$ and $-70°$, this can support the idea that is a binary system discussed in another works, Ségviny et al 2021 alsoo presented a work with Sitelle, with low spectral resolution, in which obtain a bipolar structure at $PA\approx -70°$. For teh observations they use the $2k\times 2k CCD$ with a pixel scale of $13.5 \mu m pix^{-1}$ and $2\times 2$ on-chip binning which resulted in a plate scale of $0.351 arcsec px^{-1}$ . Use $\lambda_c = 6580$ with $\Delta\lambda = 90 A$ which contain the emission lines of $[NII], HeII H\alpha, CII$ witha a exposition of 600 s. They don't detected $HeII, CII, [OIII]$. Also calculated an average velocity of $46.3 +/- 3 km/s$ similar with others values report. To the model they use three concentric structures, one is a torus, the others are hollow ellipsoidal structure. This model requires the presence of two expanding jets. Jiménez-Hernández et al 2020 think that this nebulous planetary was formed by an eruptive wind, and in this model calculated that occurs at 11.8 kyr ago.