will-rice / denoisers

Simple PyTorch Denoisers for Waveform Audio
Apache License 2.0
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Error in Running Code due to Imports #11

Closed medhahira closed 8 months ago

medhahira commented 12 months ago

Hi! I was trying to run the code. When I tried to install the requirements, it gave me some import errors which I had to resolve through the following commands: !pip install fastapi !pip install kaleido !pip install python-multipart !pip install cohere !pip install openai !pip install tiktoken Hope you can add these. However, on running the imports from the code in the README, I was getting the following error:

ImportError Traceback (most recent call last) in <cell line: 3>() 1 import torch 2 import torchaudio ----> 3 from denoisers import WaveUNetModel 4 from tqdm import tqdm

11 frames /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/pytorch_lightning/core/saving.py in 44 from omegaconf import OmegaConf 45 from omegaconf.dictconfig import DictConfig ---> 46 from omegaconf.errors import UnsupportedValueType, ValidationError 47 48 # the older shall be on the top

ImportError: cannot import name 'UnsupportedValueType' from 'omegaconf.errors' (/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/omegaconf/errors.py)

Hope you can provide a fix as I needed immediate help in denoising my audio clips for a ASR project.

will-rice commented 12 months ago

Hi! Thanks for checking out the project. I'm in the process of updating the requirements. For your error specifically make sure the pytorch-lightning version matches the torch version. Currently, I'm using torch 2.1.0 and pytorch-lightning 2.1.0

will-rice commented 11 months ago

@medhahira did you get this worked out?