will133 / vim-dirdiff

Vim plugin to diff two directories
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E121: Undefined variable: b:currentDiff when switching from a diff to next one. #40

Open niva-xx opened 2 years ago

niva-xx commented 2 years ago


Using Vim DirDiff plugin, I have made this vim9 func to set layout (and go to next diff) when entering &ft dirdiff buffer

def g:ManageDirDiff()

  if ( &ft == 'dirdiff' )

    echomsg 'Manage dirdiff'

    if &columns < 200
      set columns=999 
      set lines=999

    resize 4
    windo if &diff | setl nofoldenable | endif

    exec ':1,2 windo vertical resize ' .. (&columns / 2)
    exec ':1,2 windo setl nofoldenable'
    exec ':1,2 windo norm ]c'


When I call this def function from mapping it is ok. When I automate it with this autocmd it disturb dirdiff plugin b:currentDiff variable to be set.

if has("autocmd")

  augroup VimReload
    autocmd BufEnter      *.tmp     call g:ManageDirDiff() 
  augroup END


This cause this error message

Manage dirdiff Error detected while processing function 77_DirDiff[117]..77_DirDiffNext[10]..77_DirDiffOpen: line 96: E121: Undefined variable: b:currentDiff