will62794 / tla-web

Interactive, web-based environment for exploring and visualizing TLA+ specifications.
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Bogus "tx_id" doesn't exist in function domain. #39

Open lemmy opened 7 months ago

lemmy commented 7 months ago

The following spec works fine in TLC, but fails exploration with tla-web with:

Error: argument "tx_id" doesn't exist in function domain.
    at assert (eval.js:39:15)
    at FcnRcdValue.applyArg (eval.js:422:9)
    at evalExpr (eval.js:3679:31)
    at evalExpr (eval.js:4000:16)
    at evalExpr (eval.js:3462:17)
    at evalExpr (eval.js:4000:16)
    at evalLetIn (eval.js:3161:26)
    at evalExpr (eval.js:3400:16)
    at evalExpr (eval.js:4000:16)
    at eval.js:2692:19

The source of the error appears to be StatusCommittedResponseAction.

---- MODULE SingleNode ----

EXTENDS Naturals, Sequences, SequencesExt

RwTxRequest == "RwTxRequest"
RwTxResponse == "RwTxResponse"
RoTxRequest == "RoTxRequest"
RoTxResponse == "RoTxResponse"
TxStatusReceived == "TxStatusReceived"

CommittedStatus == "CommittedStatus"
InvalidStatus == "InvalidStatus"
TxStatuses == {

FirstBranch == 1

Views == Nat

\* Sequence numbers start at 1, 0 is used a null value
SeqNums == Nat

\* TxIDs consist of a view and sequence number and thus start at (1,1)
TxIDs == Views \X SeqNums

\* This models uses a dummy application where read-write transactions 
\* append an integer to a list and then reads the list
\* Read-only transactions simply read the list
Txs == Nat


HistoryTypeOK ==
    \A i \in DOMAIN history:
        \/  /\ history[i].type \in {RwTxRequest, RoTxRequest}
            /\ history[i].tx \in Txs
        \/  /\ history[i].type \in {RwTxResponse, RoTxResponse}
            /\ history[i].tx \in Txs
            /\ history[i].observed \in Seq(Txs)
            /\ history[i].tx_id \in TxIDs
        \/  /\ history[i].type = TxStatusReceived
            /\ history[i].tx_id \in TxIDs
            /\ history[i].status \in TxStatuses

\* Abstract ledgers that contains only client transactions (no signatures)
\* Indexed by view, each ledger is the ledger associated with leader of that view 
\* In practice, the ledger of every CCF node is one of these or a prefix for one of these
\* This could be switched to a tree which can represent forks more elegantly
VARIABLES ledgerBranches

LedgerTypeOK ==
    \A view \in DOMAIN ledgerBranches:
        \A seqnum \in DOMAIN ledgerBranches[view]:
            \* Each ledger entry is tuple containing a view and tx
            \* The ledger entry index is the sequence number
            /\ ledgerBranches[view][seqnum].view \in Views
            /\ "tx" \in DOMAIN ledgerBranches[view][seqnum] => ledgerBranches[view][seqnum].tx \in Txs

\* In this abstract version of CCF's consensus layer, each ledger is append-only
LedgersMonoProp ==
    [][\A view \in DOMAIN ledgerBranches: IsPrefix(ledgerBranches[view], ledgerBranches'[view])]_ledgerBranches

vars == << history, ledgerBranches >>

TypeOK ==
    /\ HistoryTypeOK
    /\ LedgerTypeOK

Init ==
    /\ history = <<>>
    /\ ledgerBranches = [ x \in 1..FirstBranch |-> <<>>]

IndexOfLastRequested ==
    SelectLastInSeq(history, LAMBDA e : e.type \in {RwTxRequest, RoTxRequest})

NextRequestId ==
    IF IndexOfLastRequested = 0 THEN 0 ELSE history[IndexOfLastRequested].tx+1

\* Submit new read-write transaction
\* This could be extended to add a notion of session and then check for session consistency
RwTxRequestAction ==
    /\ history' = Append(
        [type |-> RwTxRequest, tx |-> NextRequestId]
    /\ UNCHANGED ledgerBranches

\* Execute a read-write transaction
RwTxExecuteAction ==
    /\ \E i \in DOMAIN history :
        /\ history[i].type = RwTxRequest
        \* Check transaction has not already been added to a ledger
        /\ \A view \in DOMAIN ledgerBranches: 
            \A seqnum \in DOMAIN ledgerBranches[view]: 
                "tx" \in DOMAIN ledgerBranches[view][seqnum]
                => history[i].tx /= ledgerBranches[view][seqnum].tx
        \* Note that a transaction can be added to any ledger, simulating the fact
        \* that it can be picked up by the current leader or any former leader
        /\ \E view \in FirstBranch..Len(ledgerBranches):
                ledgerBranches' = [ledgerBranches EXCEPT ![view] = 
                    Append(@,[view |-> view, tx |-> history[i].tx])]
        /\ UNCHANGED history

LedgerBranchTxOnly(branch) ==
    LET SubBranch == SelectSeq(branch, LAMBDA e : "tx" \in DOMAIN e)
    IN [i \in DOMAIN SubBranch |-> SubBranch[i].tx]

\* Response to a read-write transaction
RwTxResponseAction ==
    /\ \E i \in DOMAIN history :
        \* Check request has been received and executed but not yet responded to
        /\ history[i].type = RwTxRequest
        /\ {j \in DOMAIN history: 
            /\ j > i 
            /\ history[j].type = RwTxResponse
            /\ history[j].tx = history[i].tx} = {}
        /\ \E view \in FirstBranch..Len(ledgerBranches):
            /\ \E seqnum \in DOMAIN ledgerBranches[view]: 
                /\ "tx" \in DOMAIN ledgerBranches[view][seqnum]
                /\ history[i].tx = ledgerBranches[view][seqnum].tx
                /\ history' = Append(
                        type |-> RwTxResponse, 
                        tx |-> history[i].tx, 
                        observed |-> LedgerBranchTxOnly(SubSeq(ledgerBranches[view],1,seqnum)),
                        tx_id |-> <<ledgerBranches[view][seqnum].view, seqnum>>] )
    /\ UNCHANGED ledgerBranches

\* Sending a committed status message
\* Note that a request could only be committed if it's in the highest view's ledger
StatusCommittedResponseAction ==
    /\ \E i \in DOMAIN history :
        LET view == history[i].tx_id[1]
            seqno == history[i].tx_id[2]
        IN /\ history[i].type = RwTxResponse
           /\ Len(Last(ledgerBranches)) >= seqno
           /\ Last(ledgerBranches)[seqno].view = view
           \* There is no future InvalidStatus that's incompatible with this commit
           \* This is to accomodate StatusInvalidResponseAction making future commits invalid,
           \* and is an unnecessary complication for model checking. It does facilitate trace
           \* validation though, by allowing immediate processing of Invalids without
           \* needing to wait for the commit history knowledge to catch up.
           /\ \lnot \E j \in DOMAIN history:
                /\ history[j].type = TxStatusReceived
                /\ history[j].status = InvalidStatus
                /\ history[j].tx_id[1] = view
                /\ history[j].tx_id[2] <= seqno
           \* Reply
           /\ history' = Append(
                type |-> TxStatusReceived, 
                tx_id |-> history[i].tx_id,
                status |-> CommittedStatus]
    /\ UNCHANGED ledgerBranches

\* Append a transaction to the ledger which does not impact the state we are considering
AppendOtherTxnAction ==
    /\ \E view \in FirstBranch..Len(ledgerBranches):
        ledgerBranches' = [ledgerBranches EXCEPT ![view] = 
                    Append(@,[view |-> view])]
    /\ UNCHANGED history

\* A CCF service with a single node will never have a view change
\* so the log will never be rolled back and thus transaction IDs cannot be invalid
Next ==
    \/ RwTxRequestAction
    \/ RwTxExecuteAction
    \/ RwTxResponseAction
    \/ StatusCommittedResponseAction
    \/ AppendOtherTxnAction

/cc @heidihoward @achamayou

lemmy commented 7 months ago

Without StatusCommittedResponseAction, I can also trigger "argument "tx" doesn't exist in function domain.".

will62794 commented 7 months ago

@lemmy Just pushed some fixes to address this.

I believe one issue was that the interpreter was not short-circuiting implication evaluation where possible. Pushed a change for this.

I think there is an additional issue that seems related to non-lazy evaluation semantics in the web interpreter. I've run into this a bit before but haven't yet made a directed effort to align lazy eval semantics of the web interpreter with TLC. I saved an updated version of your spec that works around this here. I also added a local version of the SelectSeq operator inline. You can try opening that version in the web explorer now.

Also note that if you want the interface to properly display next possible actions, you should update the spec structure to have actions parameterized by any non-deterministic arguments (e.g. \E i \in DOMAIN history). Eventually I'll improve the interface to better handle specs that don't conform to this structure.

lemmy commented 7 months ago

Also note that if you want the interface to properly display next possible actions, you should update the spec structure to have actions parameterized by any non-deterministic arguments (e.g. \E i \in DOMAIN history). Eventually I'll improve the interface to better handle specs that don't conform to this structure.

@will62794 It's nice that this lets the user pick the successor state, but it's no longer obvious what the name of the sub-action is. Can we have the cake and eat it too (see mock below)? :-)

Screenshot 2024-05-05 at 8 15 51 AM
will62794 commented 7 months ago

@lemmy For which spec are you observing the behavior shown in that screenshot?

lemmy commented 7 months ago
---- MODULE Consistency ----

EXTENDS Naturals, Sequences


\* tla-web doesn't have a builtin for the standard module's Sequences!SelectSeq.
\* This is why its definition is included under a new name here.  TLC will suffer
\* a slowdown because it's module override won't be active for MySelectSeq.
MySelectSeq(s, Test(_)) == 
  LET F[i \in 0..Len(s)] == 
        IF i = 0 THEN << >>
                 ELSE IF Test(s[i]) THEN Append(F[i-1], s[i])
                                    ELSE F[i-1]
  IN F[Len(s)]


\* The following four operators are taken from the CommunityModule's SequencesExt,
\* because tla-web does not have a module system.
Max(S) == CHOOSE x \in S : \A y \in S : x >= y

Last(s) == s[Len(s)]

SelectLastInSeq(seq, Test(_)) ==
  LET I == { i \in 1..Len(seq) : Test(seq[i]) }
  IN IF I # {} THEN Max(I) ELSE 0

IsPrefix(s, t) ==
  Len(s) <= Len(t) /\ SubSeq(s, 1, Len(s)) = SubSeq(t, 1, Len(s))


RwTxRequest == "RwTxRequest"
RwTxResponse == "RwTxResponse"
RoTxRequest == "RoTxRequest"
RoTxResponse == "RoTxResponse"
TxStatusReceived == "TxStatusReceived"

CommittedStatus == "CommittedStatus"
InvalidStatus == "InvalidStatus"
TxStatuses == {

FirstBranch == 1

Views == Nat

\* Sequence numbers start at 1, 0 is used a null value
SeqNums == Nat

\* TxIDs consist of a view and sequence number and thus start at (1,1)
TxIDs == Views \X SeqNums

\* This models uses a dummy application where read-write transactions 
\* append an integer to a list and then reads the list
\* Read-only transactions simply read the list
Txs == Nat



HistoryTypeOK ==
    \A i \in DOMAIN history:
        \/  /\ history[i].type \in {RwTxRequest, RoTxRequest}
            /\ history[i].tx \in Txs
        \/  /\ history[i].type \in {RwTxResponse, RoTxResponse}
            /\ history[i].tx \in Txs
            /\ history[i].observed \in Seq(Txs)
            /\ history[i].tx_id \in TxIDs
        \/  /\ history[i].type = TxStatusReceived
            /\ history[i].tx_id \in TxIDs
            /\ history[i].status \in TxStatuses

CommittedEventIndexes == 
    {i \in DOMAIN history: 
        /\ history[i].type = TxStatusReceived
        /\ history[i].status = CommittedStatus

\* Transaction IDs which received committed status messages
CommittedTxIDs ==
    {history[i].tx_id: i \in CommittedEventIndexes}
CommitSeqNum == 
    Max({i[2]: i \in CommittedTxIDs} \cup {0})

\* Abstract ledgers that contains only client transactions (no signatures)
\* Indexed by view, each ledger is the ledger associated with leader of that view 
\* In practice, the ledger of every CCF node is one of these or a prefix for one of these
\* This could be switched to a tree which can represent forks more elegantly
VARIABLES ledgerBranches

LedgerTypeOK ==
    \A view \in DOMAIN ledgerBranches:
        \A seqnum \in DOMAIN ledgerBranches[view]:
            \* Each ledger entry is tuple containing a view and tx
            \* The ledger entry index is the sequence number
            /\ ledgerBranches[view][seqnum].view \in Views
            /\ "tx" \in DOMAIN ledgerBranches[view][seqnum] => ledgerBranches[view][seqnum].tx \in Txs

\* In this abstract version of CCF's consensus layer, each ledger is append-only
LedgersMonoProp ==
    [][\A view \in DOMAIN ledgerBranches: IsPrefix(ledgerBranches[view], ledgerBranches'[view])]_ledgerBranches

vars == << history, ledgerBranches >>

TypeOK ==
    /\ HistoryTypeOK
    /\ LedgerTypeOK

Init ==
    /\ history = <<>>
    /\ ledgerBranches = [ x \in 1..FirstBranch |-> <<>>]

IndexOfLastRequested ==
    SelectLastInSeq(history, LAMBDA e : e.type \in {RwTxRequest, RoTxRequest})

NextRequestId ==
    IF IndexOfLastRequested = 0 THEN 0 ELSE history[IndexOfLastRequested].tx+1

\* Submit new read-write transaction
\* This could be extended to add a notion of session and then check for session consistency
RwTxRequestAction ==
    /\ history' = Append(
        [type |-> RwTxRequest, tx |-> NextRequestId]
    /\ UNCHANGED ledgerBranches

\* Execute a read-write transaction
RwTxExecuteAction(i) ==
\* RwTxExecuteAction ==
\*     /\ \E i \in DOMAIN history :
        /\ history[i].type = RwTxRequest
        \* Check transaction has not already been added to a ledger
        /\ \A view \in DOMAIN ledgerBranches: 
            \A seqnum \in DOMAIN ledgerBranches[view]: 
                "tx" \in DOMAIN ledgerBranches[view][seqnum]
                => history[i].tx /= ledgerBranches[view][seqnum].tx
        \* Note that a transaction can be added to any ledger, simulating the fact
        \* that it can be picked up by the current leader or any former leader
        /\ \E view \in FirstBranch..Len(ledgerBranches):
                ledgerBranches' = [ledgerBranches EXCEPT ![view] = 
                    Append(@,[view |-> view, tx |-> history[i].tx])]
        /\ UNCHANGED history

LedgerBranchTxOnly(branch) ==
    LET SubBranch == MySelectSeq(branch, LAMBDA e : "tx" \in DOMAIN e)
    IN [i \in DOMAIN SubBranch |-> SubBranch[i].tx]

\* Response to a read-write transaction
RwTxResponseAction(i) ==
\* RwTxResponseAction ==
\*     /\ \E i \in DOMAIN history :
        \* Check request has been received and executed but not yet responded to
        /\ history[i].type = RwTxRequest
        /\ {j \in DOMAIN history: 
            /\ j > i 
            /\ history[j].type = RwTxResponse
            /\ history[j].tx = history[i].tx} = {}
        /\ \E view \in FirstBranch..Len(ledgerBranches):
            /\ \E seqnum \in DOMAIN ledgerBranches[view]: 
                /\ "tx" \in DOMAIN ledgerBranches[view][seqnum]
                /\ history[i].tx = ledgerBranches[view][seqnum].tx
                /\ history' = Append(
                        type |-> RwTxResponse, 
                        tx |-> history[i].tx, 
                        observed |-> LedgerBranchTxOnly(SubSeq(ledgerBranches[view],1,seqnum)),
                        tx_id |-> <<ledgerBranches[view][seqnum].view, seqnum>>] )
    /\ UNCHANGED ledgerBranches

\* Sending a committed status message
\* Note that a request could only be committed if it's in the highest view's ledger
StatusCommittedResponseAction(i) ==
\* StatusCommittedResponseAction ==
\*     /\ \E i \in DOMAIN history :
           /\ history[i].type = RwTxResponse
           /\ Len(Last(ledgerBranches)) >= history[i].tx_id[2]
           /\ Last(ledgerBranches)[history[i].tx_id[2]].view = history[i].tx_id[1]
           \* There is no future InvalidStatus that's incompatible with this commit
           \* This is to accomodate StatusInvalidResponseAction making future commits invalid,
           \* and is an unnecessary complication for model checking. It does facilitate trace
           \* validation though, by allowing immediate processing of Invalids without
           \* needing to wait for the commit history knowledge to catch up.
           /\ \lnot \E j \in DOMAIN history:
                /\ history[j].type = TxStatusReceived
                /\ history[j].status = InvalidStatus
                /\ history[j].tx_id[1] = history[i].tx_id[1]
                /\ history[j].tx_id[2] <= history[i].tx_id[2]
           \* Reply
           /\ history' = Append(
                type |-> TxStatusReceived, 
                tx_id |-> history[i].tx_id,
                status |-> CommittedStatus]
    /\ UNCHANGED ledgerBranches

\* Append a transaction to the ledger which does not impact the state we are considering
AppendOtherTxnAction ==
    /\ \E view \in FirstBranch..Len(ledgerBranches):
        ledgerBranches' = [ledgerBranches EXCEPT ![view] = 
                    Append(@,[view |-> view])]
    /\ UNCHANGED history

\* Submit new read-only transaction
RoTxRequestAction ==
    /\ history' = Append(
        [type |-> RoTxRequest, tx |-> NextRequestId]
    /\ UNCHANGED ledgerBranches

\* Response to a read-only transaction request
\* Assumes read-only transactions are always forwarded
\* TODO: Separate execution and response
RoTxResponseAction(i) ==
\* RoTxResponseAction ==
\*     /\ \E i \in DOMAIN history :
        \* Check request has been received but not yet responded to
        /\ history[i].type = RoTxRequest
        /\ {j \in DOMAIN history: 
            /\ j > i 
            /\ history[j].type = RoTxResponse
            /\ history[j].tx = history[i].tx} = {}
        /\ \E view \in FirstBranch..Len(ledgerBranches):
            /\ Len(ledgerBranches[view]) > 0
            /\ history' = Append(
                    type |-> RoTxResponse, 
                    tx |-> history[i].tx, 
                    observed |-> LedgerBranchTxOnly(ledgerBranches[view]),
                    tx_id |-> <<ledgerBranches[view][Len(ledgerBranches[view])].view, Len(ledgerBranches[view])>>] )
    /\ UNCHANGED ledgerBranches

\* The set of views where the corresponding terms have all committed log entries
ViewWithAllCommitted ==
    {view \in DOMAIN ledgerBranches: 
        /\ Len(ledgerBranches[view]) >= CommitSeqNum
        /\  \/ CommitSeqNum = 0
            \/ <<ledgerBranches[view][CommitSeqNum].view, CommitSeqNum>> \in CommittedTxIDs }    

\* Simulates leader election by rolling back some number of uncommitted transactions and updating view
TruncateLedgerAction ==
    /\ \E view \in ViewWithAllCommitted:
        /\ \E i \in CommitSeqNum..Len(ledgerBranches[view]) :
            /\ ledgerBranches' = Append(ledgerBranches, SubSeq(ledgerBranches[view], 1, i))
            /\ UNCHANGED history

\* Sends status invalid message
StatusInvalidResponseAction(i) ==
\* StatusInvalidResponseAction ==
\*     /\ \E i \in DOMAIN history :
        /\ history[i].type = RwTxResponse
        \* either commit has passed seqnum but committed another transaction
        /\ \/ /\ CommitSeqNum >= history[i].tx_id[2]
              /\ Len(ledgerBranches[Len(ledgerBranches)]) >= history[i].tx_id[2]
              /\ ledgerBranches[Len(ledgerBranches)][history[i].tx_id[2]].view # history[i].tx_id[1]
        \* or commit hasn't reached seqnum but never will as current view is higher
            \/ /\ CommitSeqNum > 0
               /\ CommitSeqNum < history[i].tx_id[2]
               /\ ledgerBranches[Len(ledgerBranches)][CommitSeqNum].view > history[i].tx_id[1]
        \* or commit hasn't reached there,... but can never reach there
        \* note that this effectively allows StatusInvalidResponseAction to "declare" future transactions
        \* invalid, and requires a corresponding change in SingleNode::StatusCommittedResponseAction to
        \* constrain future commits. This combined change is unnecessary for model checking, but greatly
        \* simplifies trace validation. 
            \/ /\ history[i].tx_id[1] = Len(ledgerBranches)
               /\ history[i].tx_id[2] > CommitSeqNum
        \* Reply
        /\ history' = Append(
                type |-> TxStatusReceived, 
                tx_id |-> history[i].tx_id,
                status |-> InvalidStatus]
    /\ UNCHANGED ledgerBranches

\* A CCF service with a single node will never have a view change
\* so the log will never be rolled back and thus transaction IDs cannot be invalid
Next ==
    \/ TruncateLedgerAction
    \/ AppendOtherTxnAction
    \/ RwTxRequestAction
    \/ RoTxRequestAction
    \/ \E i \in DOMAIN history :
        \/ RwTxExecuteAction(i)
        \/ RwTxResponseAction(i)
        \/ RoTxResponseAction(i)
        \/ StatusCommittedResponseAction(i)
        \/ StatusInvalidResponseAction(i)

Spec == Init /\ [][Next]_vars

lemmy commented 7 months ago

Now also at https://github.com/lemmy/CCF/blob/mku-ConsistencyMonolith/tla/consistency/Consistency.tla

fintara commented 5 months ago

I'm also hitting the issue that it doesn't short-circuit (although, AFAIK, in TLA there is no such "short-circuiting" at least on the semantic level). Here is a small example:

-------------- MODULE Test1 -----------------

VARIABLES entries 

ContainsValue(x) ==
    \E r \in entries: r.tag = "just" /\ r.value = x

Init == entries = {[tag |-> "none"], [tag |-> "just", value |-> 1]}

AddJust ==
    \E x \in 1..10:
        /\ ~ ContainsValue(x)
        /\ entries' = entries \cup {[tag |-> "just", value |-> x]}

AddNone ==
    entries' = entries \cup {[tag |-> "none"]}

Next == 
    \/ AddJust
    \/ AddNone


The issue is in ContainsValue: not all records have a value field, so I get this error in the web interface:

argument "value" doesn't exist in function domain

What if when such situation is encountered, the interpreter replaces it with FALSE and continues forward?

will62794 commented 5 months ago

@fintara I just pushed a change (see #44) so that simple conjunctions now short-circuit as well when possible. See if that fixes the issue in your spec above.

fintara commented 5 months ago

It works now, great! Thanks!