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Literature Review of impact of vertical resolution on DSW #33

Open PaulSpence opened 9 months ago

PaulSpence commented 9 months ago

The impact of vertical resolution in reducing biases in sea surface temperature in a tropical Pacific Ocean model: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ocemod.2020.101722 "The change in the structure of the vertical [diffusivity], as determined by the K-profile parameterization, is identified as the primary cause in reducing the biases ... Our analysis suggests that the shear-generated turbulence is the primary contributor to the change in the vertical diffusivity"

PaulSpence commented 9 months ago

Impact of vertical resolution on representing baroclinic modes and water mass distribution in the North Atlantic https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ocemod.2023.102261 "A coarse vertical resolution (16-layer) simulation exhibits virtually no transport in the dense overflow water which leads to a weaker and significantly shallower Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) despite resolving the first baroclinic mode throughout the domain, whereas there are overall very small differences in the subtropical and subpolar North Atlantic circulation in the simulations with finer vertical resolution (24 to 96 layers). We argue that accurately representing the water masses is more important than representing the baroclinic modes for an OGCM in modeling the low-frequency large-scale circulation."

PaulSpence commented 9 months ago

Improving oceanic overflow representation in climate models: the gravity current entrainment climate process team https://doi.org/10.1175/2008BAMS2667.1

Solid author list (Legg, Griffies etc.)

PaulSpence commented 9 months ago

Snow, Kate, Hogg, Andrew McC., Downes, Stephanie M., Sloyan, Bernadette M., Bates, Michael L., and Griffies, Stephen M., 2015, "Sensitivity of abyssal water masses to overflow parameterisations" Ocean Modelling Vol. 89, pp 84, 14635003