willasm / obsidian-open-weather

Obsidian plugin for OpenWeather API
MIT License
44 stars 2 forks source link

Imperial temps show in C #11

Closed stevenrt closed 5 months ago

stevenrt commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the plugin. I just installed it and noticed that when I set it to report in imperial that it reflects the temperature with a "C" suffix instead of a "F" suffix in the status bar. So, it is currently 44 F where I live. Your plugin reports the temp as 44 C.

willasm commented 1 year ago

That is an easy fix, just go to the plugins settings and and edit the Weather String Format Statusbar. The default is...

' | %desc% | Current Temp: %temp%°C | Feels Like: %feels%°C | '

Just change the two 'C' to 'F'