willasm / obsidian-open-weather

Obsidian plugin for OpenWeather API
MIT License
44 stars 2 forks source link

Feature request - Retrieve weather data from a different day than today #24

Open Lorite opened 3 months ago

Lorite commented 3 months ago

Hi, thanks a lot for your plugin. It works great!

Sometimes, when I don't have access to my laptop, I take daily notes on a fleeting note and then create a proper daily note. On my daily notes, I use your plugin to retrieve the weather. It would be great if the plugin would check for the file name to see if it matches "YYYY-MM-DD" or whatever format you specify in the plugin's settings.

Let me know if you need any help implementing it. Maybe I can help if I find some spare time :)

Thank you!!!

willasm commented 3 months ago

Sorry for not getting back to you sooner, been very busy lately. I'm not exactly sure what it is you are doing? Are you saying you create notes by some other method, then create your daily note in Obsidian at another time in the future (next day for example) and you need the weather from a previous day? If you want the weather from a previous day that will not work. The API only returns only the current weather, historical weather requires a paid API. I do have an update to upload that allows getting the 5 day forecast weather which would help for future dates but historical data would be a problem. If I am misunderstanding you and it is something else you are trying to accomplish, please let me know.