willdale / SwiftUICharts

A charts / plotting library for SwiftUI. Works on macOS, iOS, watchOS, and tvOS and has accessibility features built in.
MIT License
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Points in line diagramm do not match values #172

Open ns1045 opened 2 years ago

ns1045 commented 2 years ago

In a line diagram the marked points do not match the corresponding values. The y-Axis is shifted by ca 6

fredeiden commented 2 years ago

I was not able to replicate your result. Maybe attach the rest of your code? I made a simplified version of your implementation and got a correct result. You might be able to spot something that is causing your issue. ` struct Chart: View {

let data = lineData()

var body: some View {

    LineChart(chartData: data)
        .pointMarkers(chartData: data)
        .xAxisGrid(chartData: data)
        .yAxisGrid(chartData: data)
        .yAxisLabels(chartData: data)

static func lineData() -> LineChartData {

    let data = LineDataSet(dataPoints: [LineChartDataPoint(value: 458.0),
                                        LineChartDataPoint(value: 464.3),
                                        LineChartDataPoint(value: 480.3),
                                        LineChartDataPoint(value: 490.8),
                                        LineChartDataPoint(value: 500.2),
                                        LineChartDataPoint(value: 490.7),
                                        LineChartDataPoint(value: 460.0)],
                           pointStyle: PointStyle(pointSize: 2))

    let chartStyle = LineChartStyle(xAxisGridStyle: GridStyle(numberOfLines: 7),
                                    yAxisGridStyle: GridStyle(numberOfLines: 8),
                                    yAxisNumberOfLabels: 8,
                                    baseline: .minimumWithMaximum(of: 450),
                                    topLine: .maximum(of: 520))

    return LineChartData(dataSets: data,
                         chartStyle: chartStyle)



struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider { static var previews: some View { Chart() } } `

Screen Shot 2022-02-19 at 9 30 43 AM
ns1045 commented 2 years ago

`struct Chart: View {

let data = lineData() let height: Double;

init(_ height: CGFloat) { self.height = height; }

var body: some View { FilledLineChart(chartData: data) .pointMarkers(chartData: data) .infoBox(chartData: data) .yAxisLabels(chartData: data) .xAxisLabels(chartData: data) .id(data.id) .padding() .frame(height: height) }

static func lineData() -> LineChartData {

let data = LineDataSet(dataPoints: [LineChartDataPoint(value: 0), //458.0),
                                    LineChartDataPoint(value: 0), //464.3),
                                    LineChartDataPoint(value: 0), //480.3),
                                    LineChartDataPoint(value: 0), //490.8),
                                    LineChartDataPoint(value: 0), //500.2),
                                    LineChartDataPoint(value: 0), //512.8),
                                    LineChartDataPoint(value: 0), //490.7),
                                    LineChartDataPoint(value: 0)], //460.0)],
                       legendTitle: "",
                       pointStyle: PointStyle(pointSize: 1, borderColour: UI_Constants.background, fillColour: .white, pointType: .filled),
                       style: LineStyle(lineColour: ColourStyle(colours: [.white, UI_Constants.lightBackground], startPoint: .top, endPoint: .bottom), lineType: .line))

let chartStyle = LineChartStyle(infoBoxPlacement: .infoBox(isStatic: true),
                                infoBoxBorderColour: UI_Constants.background,
                                infoBoxBorderStyle: StrokeStyle(lineWidth: 1),

                                markerType: .vertical(attachment: .line(dot: .style(DotStyle()))),

                                xAxisGridStyle: GridStyle(numberOfLines: 20,
                                                          lineColour: UI_Constants.background.opacity(0.2),
                                                          lineWidth: 1,
                                                          dash: [2],
                                                          dashPhase: 1),
                                xAxisLabelPosition: .bottom,
                                xAxisLabelColour: UI_Constants.background,
                                xAxisLabelsFrom: .chartData(rotation: .degrees(90)),

                                yAxisGridStyle: GridStyle(numberOfLines: 5,
                                                          lineColour: UI_Constants.background.opacity(0.2),
                                                          lineWidth: 1,
                                                          dash: [16],
                                                          dashPhase: 1),
                                yAxisLabelPosition: .leading,
                                yAxisLabelColour: UI_Constants.background,
                                yAxisNumberOfLabels: 5,

                                baseline: .minimumWithMaximum(of: -20), //450),
                                topLine: .maximum(of: 20), //520))

                                globalAnimation: .easeOut(duration: 1));

return LineChartData(dataSets: data,
                     chartStyle: chartStyle)



struct Chart_Previews: PreviewProvider { static var previews: some View { Chart(100) } }`

I can reproduce that with following example code. The effect does not occurs when I remove the .infoBox(chartData: data)

rifqifadh commented 1 year ago

I have the same issue when adding .infoBox, is there a fix for this issue?