willdurand / BazingaHateoasBundle

Integration of the Hateoas library into Symfony.
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Setting $limitParameterName doesn't impact limit property name #47

Open mickaelmagniez opened 8 years ago

mickaelmagniez commented 8 years ago


When setting $limitParameterName to another value :

public function getMediasAction(ParamFetcher $paramFetcher)
    $queryBuilder = $this->getMediaHandler()->all();

    $pagerAdapter = new DoctrineODMMongoDBAdapter($queryBuilder);
    $pager = new Pagerfanta($pagerAdapter);

    $pagerFactory = new PagerfantaFactory('page', 'hits_per_page');

    return $pagerFactory->createRepresentation(
        new Route('dam_get_medias')

Limit property name doesn't change in output :

    "page": 1,
    "limit": 2,
    "pages": 214,
    "total": 428,
    "_links": {
        "self": {
            "href": "/app_dev.php/api/medias?page=1&hits_per_page=2"

Is this a bug or correct behaviour ?

Best regards

maennchen commented 8 years ago

The limitParameterName is only used when reading and generating url's. It's not used in the serialization of the pager.

You could use JMS to override this name: http://jmsyst.com/bundles/JMSSerializerBundle/master/configuration#overriding-third-party-metadata

serialized_name should do the trick.