willemdj / erlsom

XML parser for Erlang
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Hex docs are broken (not setup?) #83

Open kenny-evitt opened 2 years ago

kenny-evitt commented 2 years ago

The HexDocs for this package show "PAGE NOT FOUND":

That's the link for "Online documentation" on the Hex page for this project's package:

If Hex docs were never setup, I'd be willing to submit a PR to do that.

Thanks for the library!

willemdj commented 2 years ago

Sorry for the slow response...

I don't know anything about Hex docs. If you could submit a PR that would be very much appreciated!

kenny-evitt commented 2 years ago

@willemdj Your response was more than prompt enough :)

You're listed as an "owner" for the Hex package [tho see below] along with another Hex user named "b0oh". That other Hex user's profile states that their GitHub user is "dimathemachine", but either that GitHub user has been deleted (or renamed) or their profile is entirely private.

Maybe that user was publishing the Hex packages?

The way to publish docs is to use the rebar plugin for Hex:

With that installed, and after registering and 'logging-in' with a Hex user, docs should be able to be published to HexDocs (the Hex docs site) by running rebar3 hex docs. There's a Hex user with the same name as your GitHub user:

Is that not your user account?

If not, that Hex package might be a (potential) security issue!

kenny-evitt commented 2 years ago

@willemdj I might be being overly paranoid, but I just reported this to Hex as a possible security issue – given that it seems like you're not publishing this package to Hex yourself. I'm now concerned that someone has published your project to Hex themselves, and maybe tampered with its source code, or inserted malicious code.

Adding some brief info about the Hex package to this project's README would be nice – is it 'official', is it 'unaffiliated', or should people avoid using it completely?

kenny-evitt commented 2 years ago

@willemdj Sorry – probably not an 'attack'. At least based on the email addresses for both your GitHub user and the Hex user matching.

kenny-evitt commented 2 years ago

Almost certainly a big nothing burger:

kenny-evitt commented 2 years ago

Maybe just try running rebar3 hex docs?