willemneal / willemneal.github.io

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What Ya Working on? #1

Open vijayee opened 5 years ago

vijayee commented 5 years ago

I was just meandering through the pony issues and caught that you were interested in Decentralization technology and in my area. We should connect I'm working on several decentralization projects one of which is using pony. The site of the most current one is here https://www.off.systems/. Feel free to email me.

willemneal commented 5 years ago

Hey Victor,

I'm currently working on WebAssembly, specifically AsssemblyScript (TypeScript to Wasm compiler) and haven't been involved with Pony for some time. Also this semester I'm teaching a class on AssemblyScript, which adds OS features to the WebAssembly/AS runtime, which will help make Decentralized Applications easier. I'm particularly interested in WebAssembly because I believe that it's the best way to make DApps since you don't need to install anything except a browser. While Pony targets LLVM which can be compiled to WebAssembly I haven't tried, but if you're interested I'd help make that work. I've been working on a threading library for assemblyscript and have plans to make an actor library. I'll take a look at what stuff you've been working on as I'm always interested in whats going on. Also I've been working on a decentralized FS called OrbitFS based off of OrbitDB, but haven't returned to it in some time, though I will revive it and improve it for my course.

vijayee commented 5 years ago

Oh Sweet is OrbitDB functional now? It was waiting on IPFS's pubsub implementation. Do you know if that ever happened? I don't know much of web assembly but I got into pony cause I'm trying to move my file system from the higher level javascript (node/electron) to something that could be extended by other languages and operating systems. I used to work on IPFS, converting the Go coded to Javascript, but stopped to work on my own file system that fixed some of what I saw as shortcomings in ipfs. I started a local meetup . Since you're in the academic world I'd love to pick your brain if anything is going on at UMD in this area.

vijayee commented 4 years ago

I just stumbled upon your presentation in the Pony forums https://vimeo.com/172129187 I have been rewriting the the off system in Pony