willfarrell / alfred-github-workflow

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Set User/Pass(Key) but says neither are set #10

Open chryton opened 10 years ago

chryton commented 10 years ago

I got the workflow working fine on my personal comp (OSX 10.9) but on my work computer (OSX 10.6.8), it refuses to take my credentials whether I set them or not. I did make a new application key for the different computers so that I could revoke the one when I leave this job. I also tried with my normal password and nothing has worked.

Testing the connection, it says neither my name nor my password/key is set.

willfarrell commented 10 years ago

I've been getting lots of bugs related with 10.6.X over all my workflows. Upgrading the OS seems to solve the issue. Sadly I'm unable to run 10.6.X to do testing on it.

chryton commented 10 years ago

I was doing some poking around and may have found a possible fix through compiling the src. I will try and take a stab and report back this week.

willfarrell commented 10 years ago

Awesome, keep me posted.

chryton commented 10 years ago

Well, the one method I used previously does not seem to work here; after you have made any required modifications it requires you to compress the source as a zip then change the extension. What method do you use to compile the Workflow? Feel free to shoot me to some of the Workflow docs if that helps (still new to this Alfred thing :) )

willfarrell commented 10 years ago

highlight workflow, click share on the bottom left.

chryton commented 10 years ago

Well, I was looking more for about integrating files like PHP and Python.

willfarrell commented 10 years ago

Right-click workflow -> show in finder, you can then drag files into the folder that are referenced. Hope that helps.

chryton commented 10 years ago

Okay, finally had some time to take a look at the files a bit more. After looking at the files in my finder, I found that instead of creating settings.plist it creates settings.plist.plist. If I renamed the file after creation, the workflow works fine but if I try to update the credentials then it creates the .plist.plist file again and gets confused.

willfarrell commented 10 years ago

Really? Interesting, that doesn't seem to be the case on later versions.