william-mx / MXcarkit

Source code and sample application to get started with the MXcarkit.
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Having some problems getting going #2

Open Sian88 opened 1 year ago

Sian88 commented 1 year ago

Hi William, I am a student with USW working on the MX Car Kit. I am trying to get things going but having some trouble with the instructions.

When trying to run the command: "roslaunch mxck_run mxck_run.launch" I get the response: "RLException: [mxck_run.launch is neither a launch file in package [mxck_run] nor is [mxck_run] a launch file name The traceback for the exception was written to the log file"

I was hoping you could advise on this - I may well be doing something incorrectly, or there may be an issue? Thanks, Sian

william-mx commented 1 year ago

Hi Sian, it sounds like the file is not known to ROS. You probably have to execute source devel/setup.bash to set the environment variables. Best regards, William.

Sian88 commented 1 year ago

I tried the source devel/setup.bash but it didn't seem to solve the issue unfortunately - I am back on campus tomorrow and will give it another try. Is there anything else you might be able to suggest if that's not resolving the issue?

william-mx commented 1 year ago

I would run cakin_make again, then source devel/setup.bash and then use rospack list-names to see if the package is visible. Or maybe you have to make the file executable with sudo chmod +x ./filepath.

Sian88 commented 1 year ago

The catkin_make command is throwing back an error saying the source directory "/catkin_ws/mxck_hw/src" does not exist. I have checked the list-names and 'roslaunch' is there, however I am not seeing the mxck_run in that list. It is located under: 'catkin_ws/src' though. I updated permissions, tried to run 'catkin_make' again but still having the same problems (even after running the 'catkin_make' and 'source devel/setup.bash' )

william-mx commented 1 year ago

Hi Sian, I would suggest that we solve the problem in a short Teams meeting. Write me at william.engel@mdynamix.de and we will arrange a meeting.