williamboman / mason.nvim

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[New package]: Support CMake debugger which uses the DAP protocol #1407

Open krishnakumarg1984 opened 1 year ago

krishnakumarg1984 commented 1 year ago

I've searched open & closed issues for similar requests

Package name

cmake debugger

Package homepage




How is this package distributed?


williambotman commented 1 year ago

Hello! Pull requests are always very welcomed to add new packages. If the distribution of the package is simple, the installation will most likely be so as well. See CONTRIBUTING.md and the API reference for more details! You may also use existing packages as reference.

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assignUser commented 1 year ago

It wouldn't be too hard as kitware provides nice staticly linked binaries (and I think there is also a python package that installs the correct one?). Though that doesn't make it usabel.. The issue is that the cmake debugger is basically a flag you have to add when configuring a project that then opens a DAP pipe.

It would probably be best to integrate the handling into one of the existing plugins that handle cmake projects. nvim-dap also supports the adapters written for vsc so if ms publishes a cmake one that could maybe be used? (ot for this thread)