williamboman / mason.nvim

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[New package]: racket-langserver #209

Open ignamartinoli opened 1 year ago

ignamartinoli commented 1 year ago

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How is this package distributed?

From what says it's section on nvim-lspconfig, it should be installed with the command raco pkg install racket-langserver. I tried to add it myself to the project but I wasn't able to understand who it's structured or should work. Help would be appreciated

williambotman commented 1 year ago

Hello! Pull requests are always very welcomed to add new packages. If the distribution of the package is simple, the installation will most likely be so as well. See CONTRIBUTING.md and the API reference for more details! You may also use existing packages as reference.

haoyun commented 1 year ago

If no one is working on this, I could make a PR in a few days.

ignamartinoli commented 1 year ago

@haoyun at the moment I don't have the time to work on this.

If you were able to fix this that would be awesome

williamboman commented 1 year ago

Hey! It seems like the language server is only available via raco, for which support would need to be added from scratch in Mason (similar to npm for example). There might be some aspects of raco that makes it a bad fit for Mason - for example inability to customize installations (we don't want to be installing packages outside of Mason's install dir for instance).

haoyun commented 1 year ago

You are right. It's seems impossible to install it into Mason's install dir. Its default dir is ~/.local/share/racket/<version>/pkgs. It's also loaded as an racket library, via racket --lib racket-langserver. Libary search paths for racket can be configured to a customized dir (https://docs.racket-lang.org/raco/config-file.html), then we cannot directly use https://github.com/neovim/nvim-lspconfig/blob/master/lua/lspconfig/server_configurations/racket_langserver.lua.

I am quite new in both lua and racket. correct me if i said something stupid.

williamboman commented 1 year ago

We can always override the cmd in mason-lspconfig should it be needed. Additionally we could even write a wrapper executable called racket-langserver which calls racket --lib "/mason/packages/racket-langserver"

Spaceface16518 commented 1 year ago

I need to use racket for school work, and I wanted to use my existing neovim setup with mason. Do we have racket support yet? Is there anything I can do move this along? I'm not very familiar with racket, as I'm learning it in a class, but I can open a try and PR if that is necessary.

Lazerbeak12345 commented 1 year ago

For reasons (mostly involving my use of the unstable rolling-release versions of racket), I myself have found that manually installing racket-langserver via raco pkg install racket-langserver is an acceptable solution for me. Not for everyone, ofc.

I've included this line:

    lspconfig.racket_langserver.setup(default_args) -- default_args has my on_attach function, and the like.

before my call to mason.setup, and it's been working great.

Hope that helps anyone while this issue is pending - even though I don't expect to use mason for this particular langserver.

ignamartinoli commented 1 year ago

Yep, fortunately raco works great out of the box

dhruvdabhi101 commented 1 year ago

I added into my init.lua file and it worked.

    cmd = { "racket", "--lib", "racket-langserver", "--", "--stdio" },
    filetypes = { "racket" },
    root_dir = require('lspconfig/util').root_pattern("info.rkt", "main.rkt", "test.rkt", "langserver.rkt", ".git"),
    settings = {
        racket = {
            runtime = "/usr/bin/racket",
            useGlobalErrorPort = true,
            useGlobalWarningPort = true,
            trace = false,
            traceDetails = false,
            traceExpansion = false,
            traceSyntax = false,
            traceIO = false,
            traceGC = false,
            traceJIT = false,
            traceOptimize = false,
            traceCompile = false,
            traceResolve = false,
            traceLink = false,
            traceRun = false,
            traceExpand = false,
            traceContract = false,
            traceMacro = false,
            traceMacroExpansion = false,
            traceExpandOutput = false,
            traceExpandInput = false,
            traceExpandSyntax = false,
            traceExpandSyntaxOutput = false,
qazxcdswe123 commented 1 year ago

for those who are using lazyvim, you can add this to overwrite the lspconfig after installing the lsp via raco ref: https://www.lazyvim.org/plugins/lsp

opts = {
  servers = {
    racket_langserver = {
      cmd = { "racket", "--lib", "racket-langserver", "--", "--stdio" },
      filetypes = { "racket", "scheme" },