williamboman / nvim-lsp-installer

Further development has moved to https://github.com/williamboman/mason.nvim!
Apache License 2.0
2k stars 123 forks source link

Can't install powershell_es #480

Closed sakhnik closed 2 years ago

sakhnik commented 2 years ago

Problem description

Failed to install powershell_es because the server requires TLS1.2. Is it my system's configuration or something that the plugin should handle?

Neovim version (>= 0.6)

NVIM v0.6.1 Build type: RelWithDebInfo LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3 Compiled by runneradmin@fv-az152-430

Operating system/version

Windows Server 2016 Standard

I've recently downloaded the latest plugin version of both nvim-lsp-installer and nvim-lspconfig

Affected language servers


Actual behavior

The plugin fails to install the language server powershell_es

Expected behavior

Install successfully

LspInstallInfo output

◍ powershell_es (failed)
        Fetching latest release version from GitHub API...
        iwr : The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel.
        At line:1 char:42
        + ... lyContinue';iwr -Headers @{'User-Agent' = 'nvim-lsp-installer (+https ...
        +                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
            + CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation: (System.Net.HttpWebRequest:HttpWebRequest) [Invoke-WebRequest], WebExc 
            + FullyQualifiedErrorId : WebCmdletWebResponseException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeWebRequestCommand

### Installation log

[INFO  2/14/2022 2:34:35 PM] ...-installer/lua/nvim-lsp-installer/ui/status-win/init.lua:644: Starting install server_name="powershell_es", requested_version=""
[ERROR 2/14/2022 2:34:35 PM] ...rt/nvim-lsp-installer/lua/nvim-lsp-installer/process.lua:153: Failed to spawn process. cmd="gh", err="ENOENT: no such file or directory"
[ERROR 2/14/2022 2:34:36 PM] ...rt/nvim-lsp-installer/lua/nvim-lsp-installer/process.lua:153: Failed to spawn process. cmd="wget", err="ENOENT: no such file or directory"
[INFO  2/14/2022 2:34:38 PM] ...-installer/lua/nvim-lsp-installer/ui/status-win/init.lua:663: Installation completed server_name="powershell_es", success=false


## nvim-lsp-installer report
  - OK: neovim version >= 0.6.0
  - WARNING: **Go**: not available
  - WARNING: **Ruby**: not available
  - WARNING: **RubyGem**: not available
  - WARNING: **Composer**: not available
  - WARNING: **PHP**: not available
  - ERROR: **npm**: not available
  - ERROR: **node**: not available
  - WARNING: **python**: not available
  - WARNING: **pip**: not available
  - WARNING: **python3**: not available
  - WARNING: **pip3**: not available
  - WARNING: **javac**: not available
  - WARNING: **julia**: not available
  - ERROR: **wget**: not available
  - ERROR: **gzip**: not available
  - ERROR: **tar**: not available
  - OK: **curl**: `curl 7.77.0 (x86_64-pc-win32) libcurl/7.77.0 OpenSSL/1.1.1k (Schannel) zlib/1.2.11 brotli/1.0.9 zstd/1.5.0 libidn2/2.3.1 libssh2/1.9.0 nghttp2/1.43.0 libgsasl/1.10.0
  - OK: **java**: `Ok`


No response

williamboman commented 2 years ago

Hello! Ah hmmm Windows issues.. Are you perhaps behind some sort of proxy?

sakhnik commented 2 years ago

No proxy, direct access. I tried the advice from http://vcloud-lab.com/entries/powershell/powershell-invoke-webrequest-the-request-was-aborted-could-not-create-ssl-tls-secure-channel, added it to $profile. No luck. But iwr https://github.com succeeds in the interactive shell. Also, I tried enabling wget from MinGW, but in vain.

williamboman commented 2 years ago

So the API that's causing this is GitHub's, which started refusing TLSv1/TLSv1.1 quite some time ago (2018). Let me do some research on iwr..

williamboman commented 2 years ago

Hey @sakhnik, could you try the branch fix-iwr-tls (#487) and see if it fixes things?

sakhnik commented 2 years ago

Sure it does, thanks!