williamcruzme / vue-gates

🔒 A Vue.js & Nuxt.js plugin that allows you to use roles and permissions in your components or DOM elements, also compatible as middleware and methods.
MIT License
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🎨Improvement structure for controllers in example #1

Closed cesaramirez closed 5 years ago

cesaramirez commented 5 years ago

Redefinition of roles and permissions controllers, separate in different controllers and moved to the Auth folder, also modified calls in the API routes file

williamcruzme commented 5 years ago

Please re-submit with the steps well enumerated.

williamcruzme commented 5 years ago

Change in the Step 1: "The frontend needs to know the permissions and roles assigned"


"The frontend needs to know the permissions assigned"

And in the Step 1 and Step 2: "for this purpose two endpoints are created that return this information"


"for this purpose one endpoint are created that return this information"