williamflaherty / pearing

KCSW project
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Chat and Challenges #24

Open williamflaherty opened 9 years ago

williamflaherty commented 9 years ago

Messages will be handled through realtime.co. Because of the way this works, even though they have an optional message history feature, we can actually just keep the message history ourselves. I find this preferable but am open to opinions (Nathan said he was against this, and it would be easier to use real times stuff, just gotta see how much it's gonna cost). We need to also add some authentication stuff server side so we can get auth tokens for each of our users. They have a little write up on this. The python API/auth code info can be found here.

We need to create custom JSON objects for challenges. We should try to genericize this as much as possible so that we can have more ice breaking games in the future. Right now it will look like BrowseMatchesView -> MessageView -> PhotoChallengesView. In the future what I would like to have is BrowseMatchesView -> MessageView -> IceBreakersView -> PhotoChallengesView, IceBreakerOneView, IceBreakerTwoView, etc. -> SelectedIceBreakersView

We can cache challenge objects client side but will need a request to get them still. We should figure out how to paginate the API calls here so the app can retrieve the next x results asked for. I would also like to have a search for the challenges, but I'm not 100% sure how that would work. I make an async call to the server with a string and you send back challenges which contain that word, I suppose, but I would want this to be fluid, more similar to filtering than searching, which maybe means I should have a list of all challenges on the client at all times.