williamhorning / bolt

a cross-platform chat bot connecting your communities
MIT License
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Matrix #19

Open r3k2 opened 1 year ago

r3k2 commented 1 year ago

Hello, we use revolt, and matrix left discord 2 months a go, will be nice to have this also connect a matrix room with a revolt room, I was going to write the bot myself in go or rust but then I saw this, so why reinvent the wheel.

williamhorning commented 1 year ago

I was working on this, I'm just trying to find a way to implement it without going insane requiring people to host a Matrix homeserver to host Bolt and bloating the codebase, which I'm also rewriting (see #18)

williamhorning commented 1 year ago

Just an update on this, got a bunch more time recently and I'm finalizing a bunch of stuff in the new version Matrix support will be in. should be released soontm

williamhorning commented 1 year ago

Another update on this: the Matrix plugin on the dev branch supports basic text but not much else at the moment. I'm going to fix that before release though so stay tuned

r3k2 commented 3 months ago

Hello, sorry I was away waiting for revolt to get a bit more mature, I see this issue is closed, so it is working now? any instructions in how to make it work? cheers!

williamhorning commented 3 months ago

oh shoot! this shouldn't've been closed and it seems like something else should've been closed instead. #46 is what actually closes this and that's still a bit far off. i'm so sorry about that!

williamhorning commented 3 months ago

it seems like i'm unable to change the sidebar to say that this is closed by that since github is annoyed at the non-existence of the dev branch, whoops

updating it on the PR fixed that

r3k2 commented 3 months ago

Thank you @williamhorning :heart: