williamlmao / chimera-ui

A beautiful, accessible, and fully customizable Tailwind UI library for React. Maybe the easiest themeing experience ever? Free and open source.
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Using chimera-ui in RemixJS #2

Closed jeepers3327 closed 1 year ago

jeepers3327 commented 1 year ago

Hi, Thanks for this awesome project.

How do I make chimera-ui work with RemixJS? I followed the steps in the doc and but wasn't able to make it to work. Error encountered when using a button component

The path "@chimera-ui/components" is imported in app/root.tsx but "@chimera-ui/components" was not found in your node_modules. Did you forget to install it?

✘ [ERROR] Could not resolve "@chimera-ui/components"

      14 │ import { Button } from "@chimera-ui/components";
         ╵                        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  Importing the directory "./dist" is forbidden by this package:

      11 │     ".": "./dist",
         ╵          ~~~~~~~~

  The presence of "exports" here makes importing a directory forbidden:

      10 │   "exports": {
         ╵   ~~~~~~~~~

  You can mark the path "@chimera-ui/components" as external to exclude it from the bundle, which will remove this error.

I tried using it with NextJS and it works.

williamlmao commented 1 year ago

Hey @jeepers3327, thanks for trying it out! I haven't tried it with remix yet. Can you link your repo? I'll take a look later today.

jeepers3327 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the quick response. Here's the minimal reproducible repo: https://github.com/jeepers3327/demo-chimera.

williamlmao commented 1 year ago

Hey @jeepers3327, sorry this took a while as I am not super experienced with remix, but I managed to get it working!

First when running npm run build

remix-app:build:     app/routes/index.tsx:1:48:
remix-app:build:       1 │ ... { Button, Input, Progress, Switch } from "@chimera-ui/components";
remix-app:build:         ╵                                              ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
remix-app:build:   Importing the directory "./dist" is forbidden by this package:
remix-app:build:     node_modules/@chimera-ui/components/package.json:11:9:
remix-app:build:       11 │     ".": "./dist",
remix-app:build:          ╵          ~~~~~~~~
remix-app:build:   The presence of "exports" here makes importing a directory forbidden:
remix-app:build:     node_modules/@chimera-ui/components/package.json:10:2:
remix-app:build:       10 │   "exports": {
remix-app:build:          ╵   ~~~~~~~~~

So I removed the exports from package json (they weren't really doing anything anyways), but ran into an ESM module error.


This documentation got me around that. Looks like you need to add serverDependenciesToBundle.

/** @type {import('@remix-run/dev').AppConfig} */
module.exports = {
  future: {
    unstable_tailwind: true,
  ignoredRouteFiles: ["**/.*"],
  serverDependenciesToBundle: ["@chimera-ui/components"],

However, there was also an issue with importing your css. I moved your css from /styles to /app, like the tailwind docs show: https://tailwindcss.com/docs/guides/remix

Then, it all worked!

In summary what you need to do is:

  1. npm install @chimera-ui/components@latest
  2. Update your remix.config.js with serverDependenciesToBundle: ["@chimera-ui/components"]
  3. Import your css files correctly

Thanks for flagging this issue with Remix. I will add it to the chimera docs.