williamrijksen / com.williamrijksen.onesignal

Titanium Appcelerator Library for OneSignal Push Notifications Service
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Incompatibility with Ti.GA module #48

Closed clemblanco closed 6 years ago

clemblanco commented 6 years ago

Hi, I'm getting an incompatibility issue with benbahrenburg/Ti.GA around google-play-services-base.jar.

Both modules use the same jar file.

I've tried copying it from one module to the other one (both ways) but it didn't do the trick, I still get an error upon dexer translation when trying to compile for Android using 6.2.2.GA Ti SDK.

Anyway you can help solving this issue?

I've found some leads here, there and here.

jvandijk commented 6 years ago

In the README we've described how you're able to resolve this issue by manually changing google play services versions.

But here's attached a zip that should work with 1.7.1 ti.ga.zip

clemblanco commented 6 years ago

Thanks a bunch, I'll give it a spin! 👍

clemblanco commented 6 years ago

I can compile now, thanks a lot! #hero