williamrijksen / com.williamrijksen.onesignal

Titanium Appcelerator Library for OneSignal Push Notifications Service
51 stars 43 forks source link

Ti SDK 7.4.0 Support - iOS #75

Closed joshualambert closed 5 years ago

joshualambert commented 5 years ago


If you use the current release version of this module with the latest Titanium SDK (7.4.0.GA), you can consistently see the following crash:

1.) Start your app. 2.) Register for push notifications. 3.) Kill your app. (Double-tap home button, swipe up on app.) 4.) Send push notification from oneSignal. 5.) Open push notification on your device. 6.) You'll see the app splashscreen, then the app will immediately crash. No hints in the terminal.

If you send the push notification while the app is running, everything works as intended.

iOS12 reliability depends on fixes present in TiSDK 7.4.0. In order to use OneSignal, I had to manually merge in the iOS12 fixes from 7.4.0.GA into 7.2.0.GA, the last TiSDK that OneSignal runs on without crashing. Something broke from 7.3.0GA and on.

SquirrelMobile commented 5 years ago


joshualambert commented 5 years ago

Bump! Really need this updated so I can use the latest TiSDK. I am a paying OneSignal customer. Any help would be significantly appreciated.

fabiomlferreira commented 5 years ago

I have exactly the same problem. Please can someone fix this?

janvennemann commented 5 years ago

Can you provide a crash report?

joshualambert commented 5 years ago

@janvennemann I have emailed this to you now.

alexakass commented 5 years ago


alexakass commented 5 years ago

Any news on this as? 1 month for a serious issue to be resolved is worrying.

joshualambert commented 5 years ago

Please try testing with this build and let me know how it goes: https://playground.smalltownhosting.com/com.williamrijksen.onesignal.zip

This includes the changes from the PR currently open here: https://github.com/williamrijksen/com.williamrijksen.onesignal/pull/62

joshualambert commented 5 years ago

@williamrijksen has added me as a collaborator on this repo. If we can certify the changes he's added behave correctly, we can merge this and update the repo.

williamrijksen commented 5 years ago

Good job @joshualambert !

joshualambert commented 5 years ago

OK so we're seeing a problem with the above build based on PR #62. The data payloads are coming in blank that we use for push-based app deeplinking. Unsure why they're blank at this point.

Melonbwead commented 5 years ago

Hey hey, Is there any update on this, been using the Titanium 7.4.1 SDK and we are seeing crashes on open push notification on your device.

SquirrelMobile commented 5 years ago

The app crash when opening a push notification, @williamrijksen can you create a release please if this commit fix the problem ?

danimarin commented 5 years ago


joe-f commented 5 years ago

+1 @janvennemann Any ideas on how to move this issue forward?

janvennemann commented 5 years ago

77 was merged recently which fixed the issue and i think @jvandijk is currently preparing a new release.

danimarin commented 5 years ago

Please, this bug is critical for some customers that pay for OneSignal. How could we help to release a new version faster?

janvennemann commented 5 years ago

To temporarily unblock you i've drafted a pre-release from the current master branch: https://www.dropbox.com/s/pel2y5c9h9do9h0/com.williamrijksen.onesignal-iphone-2.0.1.zip?dl=0

jvandijk commented 5 years ago

The release is now done : https://github.com/williamrijksen/com.williamrijksen.onesignal/releases/tag/2.1.0

Be aware, this is an open source module. The maintainers of this module are in no way affiliated with OneSignal!