williamrijksen / com.williamrijksen.onesignal

Titanium Appcelerator Library for OneSignal Push Notifications Service
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Player ID in iOS #96

Closed gunawan0706 closed 4 years ago

gunawan0706 commented 4 years ago

Any update for replacing idsAvailable to get Player ID in iOS?

jordanbisato commented 4 years ago

You can use var evt = onesignal.getPermissionSubscriptionState(); evt.subscriptionStatus.userId

gunawan0706 commented 4 years ago

You can use var evt = onesignal.getPermissionSubscriptionState(); evt.subscriptionStatus.userId

Thanks Jordan, I tried it using version 2.2.0 and

var onesignal = require('com.williamrijksen.onesignal'); onesignal.setInFocusDisplayType('none'); onesignal.promptForPushNotificationsWithUserResponse(function(obj) { var evt = onesignal.getPermissionSubscriptionState(); console.log(evt); });

gives me undefined.

chmiiller commented 4 years ago

Fixed! On the new released version 2.1.1 I've implemented this onesignal.getPermissionSubscriptionState method for iOS like @jordanbisato says. It should work just fine now!

albert0m commented 4 years ago

I have the same issue. I'm using the latest version 2.2.2 with TiSDK 8.3.x,

This is the snippet I'm using:

         var onesignal = Alloy.Globals.oneSignal = require('com.williamrijksen.onesignal');
              logLevel: onesignal.LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,
              visualLevel: onesignal.LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG
    onesignal.promptForPushNotificationsWithUserResponse(function(resp) {

        var subscribed = onesignal.retrieveSubscribed();
        console.log("subscribed", subscribed);
        var playerId = onesignal.retrievePlayerId();
        console.log("playerId", playerId);

        var token = onesignal.retrieveToken();
        console.log("token", token);
        var substate = onesignal.getPermissionSubscriptionState();
        console.log("substate", substate);

These are the logs from my device:

[DEBUG] com.williamrijksen.onesignal configure [com.xxx] Getting notification settings (async) [com.xxx] Got notification settings [ hasResult: 1 hasCompletionHandler: 1 ] [com.xxx] Requesting authorization with options 7 [DEBUG] com.williamrijksen.onesignal FIRE cold boot NotificationOpened [com.xxx] Requested authorization [ didGrant: 1 hasError: 0 hasCompletionHandler: 1 ] [DEBUG] com.williamrijksen.onesignal User accepted notifications: 1 [INFO] subscribed \^[[33mfalse\^[[39m [INFO] playerId \^[[90mundefined\^[[39m [INFO] token \^[[90mundefined\^[[39m [INFO] substate { subscriptionStatus: { userSubscriptionSetting: \^[[33mtrue\^[[39m, subscribed: \^[[33mfalse\^[[39m, userId: \^[[1mnull\^[[22m, pushToken: \^[[1mnull\^[[22m }, permissionStatus: { status: \^[[33m2\^[[39m, provisional: \^[[33mfalse\^[[39m, hasPrompted: \^[[33mtrue\^[[39m }, emailSubscriptionStatus: { emailAddress: \^[[1mnull\^[[22m, emailUserId: \^[[1mnull\^[[22m } } INFO: Device Registered with Apple: 773a44cdb0344203131ce5942c6d97f2b2b812dd574c5c9390ccbc2ad76b9096

I followed every step from the list, but the device doesn't subscribe.

I have other appcelerator projects that are working even with older versions of the onesignal sdk.

chmiiller commented 4 years ago

can you test by calling these functions out of the onesignal.promptForPushNotificationsWithUserResponse callback function scope?

albert0m commented 4 years ago

same thing..

jordanbisato commented 4 years ago

I'm using Ti.API.info("SubscriptionState: " + JSON.stringify(SubscriptionState))