williamtroup / Calendar.js

📅 A javascript drag & drop event calendar, that is fully responsive and compatible with all modern browsers.
MIT License
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Series Time Change Error #197

Open fbenavidesd opened 7 months ago

fbenavidesd commented 7 months ago

First, great component.

The problem I have is: I create an Event that starts 23/01/2024 from 9:00 to 9:30 and repeats every day. Down are the most importan properties I think:

from:Tue Jan 23 2024 09:00:00 GMT-0300 (hora de verano de Chile) to:Tue Jan 23 2024 09:30:00 GMT-0300 (hora de verano de Chile) isAllDay:false repeatEnds:null repeatEvery:1 repeatEveryCustomType:0 repeatEveryCustomValue:1 repeatEveryExcludeDays:[]

Then I edit one event of the serie at day 25/01/2024. I only change the time interval from 10:00 to 10:30 and keep everything else, the I click "Update" button. I get the question If I want to update "all serie" or "foward", I press "foward" button. It divide the original event into two events or series, all fine. One serie starts 23/01/2024 and ends 24/01/2024 and the other one starts 25/01/2024 with not ending date. The problem is with the time of the first series, because it supouse to keep the original one from 9:00 to 9:30, but now is from 10:00 to 10:30

event o serie 1: from:Tue Jan 23 2024 10:00:00 GMT-0300 (hora de verano de Chile) to:Tue Jan 23 2024 10:30:00 GMT-0300 (hora de verano de Chile) isAllDay:false repeatEnds:Wed Jan 24 2024 09:00:00 GMT-0300 (hora de verano de Chile) repeatEvery:1 repeatEveryCustomType:0 repeatEveryCustomValue:1 repeatEveryExcludeDays:[]

event o serie 2: from:Thu Jan 25 2024 10:00:00 GMT-0300 (hora de verano de Chile) to:Thu Jan 25 2024 10:30:00 GMT-0300 (hora de verano de Chile) isAllDay:false repeatEnds:null repeatEvery:1 repeatEveryCustomType:0 repeatEveryCustomValue:1 repeatEveryExcludeDays:[]

Please excuse my english and thank you very much

williamtroup commented 7 months ago

Thank you for using Calendar.js. I will take a look into the issue.