williamyang1991 / DualStyleGAN

[CVPR 2022] Pastiche Master: Exemplar-Based High-Resolution Portrait Style Transfer
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When will destylization finish #23

Closed cihankaradogan closed 1 year ago

cihankaradogan commented 2 years ago

I am experimenting DualStyleGAN with my custom dataset. I have 283 images and I trained StyleGAN for 600 iterations. Then, I started to destylize it. I set 300 iterations and 4 batch. I expected for it to end when it became 283/283 but now it continues. [448/283] Lperc: 1.254; Lnoise: 0.000; LID: 0.100; Lreg: 0.315; lr: 0.000: 100% Also, I'm not sure if the destylization outputs are as they should be. 5833 (1) 7629

williamyang1991 commented 2 years ago

Sorry, I made a mistake in the code when printing the progress information https://github.com/williamyang1991/DualStyleGAN/blob/7a1c560f7fefece00a53e4406d624ad4fd8fc742/destylize.py#L192

The information should be printed as


rather than the original

f"[{ii * args.batch:03d}/{len(files):03d}]"

So your progress at [448/283] should be [112/283]

I think your Simpsons style is too abstract and different from real human faces, and it is not well aligned (the eye positions of your two style images differ a lot from each other and from the FFHQ faces). These two points make the destylization fail.

Our method is to simulate the fine-tuning behavior of StyleGAN, and style transfer by fine-tuning StyleGAN relies on the close semantic correspondences between the source domain and the target domain, which is true for real faces and cartoon faces. However, in your case, the domain gap is so large that I'm afraid even fine-tuning StyleGAN cannot work, let alone our method. I think you can check the performance of your finetune StyleGAN on your Simpsons styles and see whether it works. If it does not work, I guess our method might not be able to make it, either.

vltmedia commented 1 year ago

Heads up, this piece of code was never fixed. So anyone wondering around December 2022 you need to change the code manually.

williamyang1991 commented 1 year ago

this code printing the progress info has been fixed