williamyang1991 / DualStyleGAN

[CVPR 2022] Pastiche Master: Exemplar-Based High-Resolution Portrait Style Transfer
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Freeze/crash in web demo on reconstruct_face() #90

Open sholdingsltd opened 1 year ago

sholdingsltd commented 1 year ago

Forgive me for double posting, but I'm having a huge problem with the web demo and thought it might get more attention here. I've been trying to solve it for a while, and I also created a submission on the huggingface repo here: https://huggingface.co/spaces/CVPR/DualStyleGAN/discussions/4

I've been trying to resolve this issue for about a month and it just refuses to work. Forgive my ignorance as this is the first time I work on something like this. In dualstylegan.py, on line 157, function reconstruct_face:

    img_rec, instyle = self.encoder_dict[self.encoder_type](

The app hangs. I'm using this as a backend for a Flask application, with a very basic frontend where I upload an image and pass its parameters. It gets as far as model.reconstruct_face():

    import numpy as np
    from PIL import Image
    from flask import Blueprint, request
    from src.dualstylegan import Model

    from src.helpers.send_result import send_result
    from src.helpers.send_error import send_bad_request, handle_error

    imagestyler_routes = Blueprint('imagestyler', __name__)

    def get_style_id(style_type):
        style_ids = {
            'cartoon': 26,
            'caricature': 65,
            'arcane': 63,
            'pixar': 80
        return style_ids[style_type]

    @imagestyler_routes.route('/imagestyler', methods=['POST'])
    def imagestyler():
            if 'image' not in request.files:
                return send_bad_request('Image is required.')

            image_file = request.files['image']
            image = Image.open(image_file)
            image_array = np.array(image)

            style_type = request.form.get('type', 'cartoon')
            if style_type not in ['cartoon', 'caricature', 'anime', 'arcane', 'pixar']:
                style_type = 'cartoon'

            style_id = get_style_id(style_type)

                color_weight = float(request.form.get('color_weight', '1'))
            except Exception as e:
                return handle_error("color weight should be a float number")

                structure_weight = float(request.form.get('structure_weight', '0.5'))
            except Exception as e:
                return handle_error("structure weight should be a float number")

            structure_only = request.form.get('structure_only')
            if structure_only is not None and (structure_only.lower() == 'true' or structure_only == '1'):
                structure_only = True
                structure_only = False

            encoder_type = request.form.get('encoder_type', 'Z+ encoder (better stylization)')
            if encoder_type =='W+ encoder (better reconstruction)':
                encoder_type = 'W+ encoder (better reconstruction)' 
                encoder_type = 'Z+ encoder (better stylization)'

            model = Model()
            print ("IMAGESTYLER.PY: Model()")
            instyle = model.reconstruct_face(image_array, encoder_type)
            print ("IMAGESTYLER.PY: model.reconstruct_face(image_array, encoder_type)")
            result = model.generate(style_type, style_id, structure_weight, color_weight, structure_only, instyle)
            print ("IMAGESTYLER.PY: model.generate(style_type, style_id, structure_weight, color_weight, structure_only, instyle)")
            return send_result(result)
        except Exception as e:
            return handle_error(e)

I'm even using a demo image. The problem is when it gets to that line, the app just freezes and debugging it has been a nightmare because nothing in the logs looks wrong. Thanks in advance, and please let me know if I can provide more information!